
Python wrapper for mzinga

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


CI Build

MzingaCpp is an Universal Hive Protocol Engine written in C++.

It implements the base game and the three official expansions.



The Windows release provides self-contained x86/x64 binaries which run on Windows.

  1. Download the latest Windows zip file from https://github.com/jonthysell/MzingaCpp/releases/latest
  2. Extract the zip file

Note: If you're unsure which version to download, try x64. Most modern PCs are 64-bit.


The MacOS release provides self-contained x64 binaries which run on OSX.

  1. Download the latest MacOS tar.gz file from https://github.com/jonthysell/MzingaCpp/releases/latest
  2. Extract the tar.gz file


The Linux release provides self-contained x64 binaries which run on many Linux distributions.

  1. Download the latest Linux tar.gz file from https://github.com/jonthysell/MzingaCpp/releases/latest
  2. Extract the tar.gz file


This project requires CMake >= 3.16 and a standard C++ build environment.

Windows (VS)

Open VS Command Prompt, then run one of the following:

  • Build Debug: .\scripts\build-debug.cmd
  • Build Release: .\scripts\build-release.cmd

Linux (GCC) / MacOS (AppleClang)

  • Build Debug: ./scripts/build-debug.sh
  • Build Release: ./scripts/build-release.sh


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .


MzingaCpp is open-source under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Jon Thysell.

Hive Copyright (c) 2016 Gen42 Games. This repo is in no way associated with or endorsed by Gen42 Games.