
Saas App for Managing Quotes and getting paid

Primary LanguageCSS


  • Add Resources

    • Terms
    • Templates
    • Companies - belongs_to Contacts
    • Revenues
    • Expenses
  • Add validation options for form fields

  • Add calculations to quote page / customer facing page

  • Generate emails when receiving request (to admin) and saving quote (to requestor)

  • Edit Resources

    • Add analytics JSON field to Requests Resource
    • Add analytics JSON field to Quotes Resource
  • Spend entire day fleshing out specs for payment features and other minor details

###Things to think about

  • Currency conversions and selections for settings


  • Generate callback to send alert to referrer
  • Add minor styling additions
  • Add analytics fields to form
  • Add file upload field
  • Add product resource to either correspond to existing store or option to add new products

######Completed 1/29/15

  • added serverside validations

######Completed 8/7/14

  • built contacts from form submission if email doesn't already exist
  • added clientside validations

######Completed 8/6/14

  • created js parser to grab form from this app and generate form on shopify

######Completed 8/5/14

  • created shopify form to be sent to this app

######Completed 8/4/14

  • created scriptag for shopify to grab contents of quoteable item based on product tag

######Completed 7/18/14

  • added styling to form/show and contact/new

######Completed 6/12/14

  • added portion of contact fields to form resource

######Completed 6/11/14

  • add contacts resource
  • restyled requests index page

######Completed 6/10/14

  • add styling to requests show page
  • add styling to quotes index page
  • add styling to quotes show page

######Completed 6/5/14

  • change all forms page to a list rather than blocks
  • replace terms with options
  • add styling to requests index page

######Completed 5/29/14

  • add remove field to add_term section
  • confirm that quote form page is working properly

######Completed 5/27/14

  • style requests page
  • style quotations page and add unique token

######Completed 5/26/14

  • fix Json update field to remove fields

######Completed 5/23/14

  • style rest of form add_fields

######Completed 5/22/14

  • add styling to remove add fields and options
  • fix jquery to remove delay of remove fields to fade out
  • fix checkbox storage of required field

#General Specs

  • Multi-User Data Separated Service
    (less users, more data/user)
  • Subdomains are created by shopify subdomains unless subdomain already exists. If ∃ subdomain ∧ ¬(login ∨ email) → generate account Shopify domain + account id else login
  • User can create account without Shopify account. Account is validated against existing accounts before creation


###After Login

  • Redirect to Admin
  • Admin consists of menu with tabs for each oauth login (i.e. Shopify, WooCommerce, Opencart) with corresponding path. Main functional tabs will be forms & responses
  • Create resource for each menu item
  • User is restricted to account creation type (Shopify, WooCommerce, Opencart)


  • Default form exists that collects email (created on account creation)
  • User can edit form to change name + add fields
  • Form validation must include one email address field
  • Add response email to main form next to name
  • All additional built fields to be stored in JSON
  • If user account tied to ecommerce add option to formbuilder for products (hidden from JSON call)
  • Content and settings of form generates a script that is either injected into host ∨ pulled from subdomain of user account

*** Continue Form Spec in Separate Section ***


  • Responses are posted to the response path_new and includes form_id and JSON field for repsonses (Rails 4 private params to be generated by contents of related form)
  • Fields will be filterable by keys defined by form (label)
  • link_to Quote generator will allow user to create a proposal/quote


has_many templates
belongs_to response
belongs_to form through response
  • Pulls RFQ details from response
  • User selects new template or existing template
  • If user selects new template, user is redirected to template resource

###Template (liquid?)

  • User can design elements through drag & drop interface
  • Items include logo, header info like business details (i.e. address, phone)
  • User can choose from pre-existing catalog

*** Purchasable Templates ***


  • When quotation is generated, a price and deadline is required
  • The user/admin will be given a choice of payment options with a fee attached to each (i.e. Stripe 3%, Bitcoin 1%, Transfer 0%)
  • Once completed, an email will be sent to the requestor with a link to the quote page
  • The quote page will only be accessible to the user/admin and anyone with a link (contains unique token for access)
  • The quote page will be tracked for views & length of view
  • The quote page will expire based on deadline defined by user/admin
  • The requestor will be given the option to make a payment within that window
  • The requestor can either create an account or make a payment as a guest with the difference of saving payment info for future payments being made
  • If payment required is recurring, account creation will be required

###Form Edits

  • Warning not to delete form fields or create new form
  • Add id to fields and use id in index search

###Quote Fields

  • Price (multiple), has_many
    line item pricing will be multiple while main (base) price is embedded
  • Terms (multiple), has_many
  • Expiration (single)
  • Token


  • Main Form
    • Check option for Single or Double Columns
    • Single column use bootstrap class form-horizontal
    • Double column use bootstrap class form-inline each(2)
  • Individual Fields
    • Inline option for radio and checkboxes
    • Multiple select for select field


  • 1.0.0: Form builder, request, quote, template, role for user.
  • 1.1.0: Notification system, dashboard widgets, improve performance