
A Craigslist listings scraper.

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A Craigslist listings scraper.


$ gem install craig


require "craig"

Pass in the city and category:

listings = Craig.query(:austin, :for_sale)

Or narrow down your results with a subcategory:

listings = Craig.query(:austin, :for_sale => :computers)

Returns up to 100 Listings.


Let's check out some cars within our budget.

vehicles = Craig.query(:austin, :for_sale => :cars_trucks)
vehicles.select { |v| 
  v.price.between?(6000, 8000) && 
  v.image? &&
  v.seller == :owner 

#=> [<Listing>, <Listing>, <Listing>]

I'm about to move to Birmingham. I wonder where the kids my age are living.

listings = Craig.query(:birmingham, :personals => :strictly_platonic)
listings.select { |p| 
  p.age < 30

#= ["Highland Ave", "Highland Ave", "Highland Ave"]

Oh wait, I left my trombone downtown last night. I wonder if anyone found it.

listings = Craig.query(:austin, :community => :lost_found
listings.any? { |listing| listing.title =~ /trombone/i }

#=> true

Let's get the price of the most expensive Macbook that's sold by an owner (instead of a dealer) on or near UT campus.

Craig.query(:austin, :for_sale => :computer)
  .select { |c| 
    c.seller == :owner && 
    c.location[/campus/i] &&
  }.sort_by { |c| 

# Output

#=> {
  :url => "http://austin.craigslist.org/sys/3723418912.html"
  :title => "Late 2011 Macbook Pro"
  :seller => :owner
  :price => 1050
  :posted_at => #<Date: 2013-01-23 ((2456316j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
  :location => "West campus"
  :has_map? => false
  :has_image? => true
  :id => 3723418912

Available Listing methods

The easiest way to see what listings respond to is to just send them Listing#to_hash:

Craig.query(:new_york_city, :jobs).map(&:to_hash)

Or just look at console output (Listing#to_s outputs the hash in string form):

Craig.query(:new_york_city, :jobs)

Or you can look in listing.rb to see the type of nodes that Listings have, then find the method each node defines in node.rb.

Since I rarely use Ruby Modules, this gem started out as an self-educational scraper concept where Nodes are composed of Nodes are composed of Nodes but I didn't get very far. So now the internal API is a little spread out. TODO...

Available cities and categories

The Craigslist website itself serves as documentation for this gem's API.

Just downcase Craigslist's name for it and replace spaces and punctuation with underscores.

Here, let me translate some for you to be clear:

How it appears on CraigslistThe symbol you pass into Craig
beaumont / port arthur :beaumont_port_arthur
cambridge, UK :cambridge_uk
nice / cote d'azur :nice_cote_d_azur
How it appears on CraigslistThe symbol you pass into Craig
for sale :for_sale
cds/dvd/vhs :cds_dvd_vhs
accounting+finance :accounting_finance
Craig.query(:nice_cote_d_azur, :for_sale => :cds_dvd_vhs)

If you're still unsure, just check out Craig's internal lookup table.

Diverges from Craigslist homepage

While I've mostly modeled Craig's API after Craigslist's website, I've diverged from the homepage where I felt it made sense.

For example, I prefer the "Show All" view where possible.

:community => :events goes to /eee instead of /eve.

This way you see all events instead of just events with 
date ranges.

:for_sale => :cars_trucks goes to the owners+dealers listings

instead of the splash page that lets you choose
TODO: Add search API or expose API to specify this stuff.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request