
Can we do a link attribute rel configuration?

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Trying to figure out how to configure for import in a link tag. So how to make this:

        <!-- build:[href] components -->
        <!-- /build -->

do this:

<link rel="import" href="../../polymer-components/src/components/input/some-input.html">

I'm getting closer:

 <!-- build:process components -->
        <script rel="import" href="<%= ACTUAL-SOURCE %>">
        <!-- /build -->

how do i replace ACTUAL-SOURCE with the url specified in the gruntfile?

<!-- build:[href] components/ -->
  <link rel="import" href="../../polymer-components/src/components/input/some-input.html">
<!-- /build -->

When I do that, i get href="" how do i get it to insert the path from the config/path scanner into the href? I can't hard code it as you show it, I thought that was the whole point of using html build.