Process html files at build time to modify them depending on the release environment
- 3
- 5
Lodash security issue
#120 opened by hkernbach - 2
[Question/Feature Request] Is it possible to use this to include remote files?
#113 opened by McOmghall - 1
Inline external JS files
#117 opened by xMarkusSpringerx - 0
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
Way to keep build:template comment in html?
#106 opened by arjunkalburgi - 2
- 1
Unexpected token <
#115 opened by jpcercal - 1
Retain attributes in script tags
#112 opened by walmik - 3
is it possible to not specify files?
#95 opened by vlrprbttst - 2
- 9
- 2
Oneline HTML produces empty HTML
#108 opened by sake92 - 4
To keep placeholder comments especially for include
#101 opened by kalidema - 1
A small typo in README
#105 opened by gamtiq - 3
- 7
Paths with PHP in them - escape or ignore?
#86 opened by aleross - 3
processing html files generated before with grunt-generator and multiple handlebar partials not working
#99 opened by odoell - 2
comment/uncomment code blocks
#103 opened by vlrprbttst - 2
Done without errors but no file produced
#104 opened by Romkond - 0
Update to Grunt 1.0.0
#96 opened by marcobiedermann - 3
Variable in value
#102 opened by adrigm - 3
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How can I preserve the spacing?
#89 opened by moneytree-doug - 2
How to use environment values inside the template
#92 opened by rkmax - 3
Change only context not files
#87 opened by pbassut - 4
build:template:target doesn't honor target
#83 opened by wlingke - 2
Template doesn't work
#77 opened by ihorml - 1
Unexplained file size increase
#80 opened by mathiasleroy - 9
- 2
Wildcards in file options
#71 opened by zomars - 1
Process multiple files using globbing?
#78 opened by gregpettit - 3
Maximum call stack size exceeded
#74 opened by danielsoner - 3
Inline template blocks
#67 opened by goodpixels - 2
included only first file while proccessing
#59 opened by jovpet - 6
- 1
Is build:js FILENAME.js supposed to export the contained files into FILENAME.js?
#76 opened by dotherightthing - 1
Process Multiple .html Files With a Wildcard?
#75 opened by superKalo - 1
build:css does't copy additional link attributes
#72 opened by budnix - 1
[attr] Multiple Values Match Multiple Targets
#73 opened by AndreLion - 2
Can it be used to process twig or liquid files?
#70 opened by zomars - 5
- 2
Template variable including `$&` breaks build
#60 opened by yunntan - 3
Can we do a link attribute rel configuration?
#66 opened by vance - 6
External templates
#62 opened by TrySound - 2
Add possibility to inline please
#61 opened by vvelar