
Prepoznavanje i brojanje objekata iz satelitskih snimaka

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Team project in subject Random Signals and Processes @ Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/course/rsap_a)

Team members: Marko Čavužić, Ivan Sinković, Josip Preglej, Dino Cindrić

Project name

Object Detection and Counting From Satellite Images

Project tasks

  1. Noise and artifacts removal from raw images
  2. Color-to-grayscale conversion, image sharpening
  3. Image segmentation
  4. Object counting
  5. Result analysis and project report writing
  6. Project presentation

Division of labour

Team Member Task
Dino Cindrić Project organization, Noise and artifacts removal, Color-to-grayscale conversion, Image sharpening
Marko Čavužić Image segmentation
Ivan Sinković Object counting
Josip Preglej Report writing, Project presentation

Project outcome

The main goal of the project is the implement and develop a working method for detection and counting of objects from satellite images using MATLAB.

Raw input images examples

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Results examples

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