
The application developed by Group 38 is called EpicMinder. It is our hope that EpicMinder will serve as a goal tracker application that assists individuals in managing their daily activites and improving productivity.

How to use the EpicMinder App:

  • New users are required to sign up while existing users can sign in to access their task page.
  • Users can login using their Google email account and which will then be authenticated through Firebase with their emails.
  • After successfully logging in, the name and image of the user (on their E-mail account) will be taken by Firebase and and displayed on the main page.
  • On the main page, users can click on the add-task button to go to the add-task screen to add a task.
  • After tasks have been created, Users can long press on the task to either delete the task or set it to pending or complete.
  • Users can log out from the app by clicking on their profile image displayed by firebase on the main screen and this will send them to the settings screen for them to log out.
  • On the task page users can add, remove and schedule activities. They will receive reminders through alarms when the tasks are due.
  • Users can also utilize the calendar page to view all scheduled and upcoming events.

How to Run the EpicMinder App:

  1. Create a folder and open it using your terminal or GitBash.
  2. Clone the app using the git clone command and the URL "".
  3. Open the folder in Android Studio and run all the activities to launch the app. Please note that the time required for this step may vary depending on your computer's speed.

Group Contributions

  1. Group leader- 10953758 (francismaxug):
  • Responsible for overall project management and coordination.
  • Organized team meetings and facilitated communication among team members.
  • Ensured project milestones and deadlines were met.
  • Assisted in resolving any conflicts or issues within the team.
  1. 10953537(njoya-alex):
  • Responsible for designing the user interface and user experience of the app.
  • Created wireframes and mockups for the four screens of the app.
  • Designed the layout, color scheme, and typography to enhance user experience.
  • Collaborated with developers to ensure design implementation.
  1. 10953091(AsanteAsareIsaac10953091):
  • Implemented the login signup functionality of the app.
  • Developed the login screen and associated logic for user authentication.
  • Created the signup screen and implemented user registration process.
  • Worked on data validation and error handling for login and signup.
  1. 10954418(victoriaakakpovie):
  • Implemented the task management functionality of the app.
  • Developed the screen for adding tasks and associated functionality.
  • Implemented the logic for displaying and editing existing tasks.
  • Collaborated with database team to ensure proper storage and retrieval of data.
  1. 10947903(mariepearl):
  • Responsible for integrating the app with a backend database.
  • Designed the database scheme to store user information and tasks.
  • Implemented database connectivity using appropriate APIs and libraries.
  • Worked with the task management team to ensure proper data synchronization.
  1. 10949743(nkbiney):
  • Implemented the functionality to delete tasks from the app.
  • Developed the logic and UI elements for deleting tasks.
  • Collaborated with the task management team to handle task deletion requests.
  • Ensured proper data handling and database synchronization upon task deletion.
  1. 10986196 (Edith861):
  • Implemented the logout functionality of the app.
  • Developed the logout screen and associated logic.
  • Implemented session management to ensure proper user logout.
  • Collaborated with the authentication team to handle logout requests.
  1. 10969676(10969676):
  • Responsible for testing and ensuring the quality of the app.
  • Conducted unit testing to identify and fix any bugs.
  • Performed integration testing to ensure seamless functionality across different screens using the andriod studio.
  • Collaborated with other team members to address any reported issues and improve app performance.
  1. 10980326:
  • Responsible for documenting the app and its features.
  • Created user guides and documentation to help users understand app functionality.
  • Prepared technical documentation for developers to maintain and update the app.
  • Ensured that the README file and any other necessary documentation were up to date.
  1. 10964427 (paps004):
  • Responsible for deploying the app to the Google Play Store.
  • Prepared the necessary assets and metadata for the app listing.
  • Managed the release process, including versioning and signing the APK.
  • Ensured compliance with app store guidelines and requirements.