Platinum Coffee Order App

Functionalities of our Project

  • The coffee app has a simple and easy-to navigate user interface that allows users to easily order what they want.

Listed below are each team member's github account and student ID number, respectively.

  1. Collins1233 - 10945788
  2. frankoappiah - 10990607
  3. vokoduah-10986215
  4. dani-osei - 10966043
  5. eyramampobi - 10977614
  6. elormatefoe - 10981243
  7. itsaileeno - 10983491
  8. Rayaaann - 10976281
  9. TopKingRanger - 109736221
  10. jesseappiah03 - 10976896


SQL functionality: Elorm(elormatefoe), Aileen(itsaileeno), Collins(Collins1233), Valentina(vokoduah-10986215)

Helped with the Design interface of the application and some minor debugging when with regards to adding clickability to the application: Rayan Ahmed Ali, Appiah Jesse Agyapong Pobi

Layout: Frank(frankoappiah) handled the layout of the app, ensuring a user friendly and visually appealing interface.

CLickable buttons : Eyram implemented the functionality for clickable buttons in the app.This allows users to interact with the app by tapping on various buttons to prform spcific actions

Made major significant changes to the interface of the app: Edem

Increasing count: Daniel added the functionality to increase counts in the app this feature enables users to increase the number of coffee items or other relevant entities in the app.