

Primary LanguageJava

The application developed by Group 19 is called, "TimeTable", it is a professional Android app that enables users to create and save timetables, homework, and notes. It offers convenient management of schedules, assignments, exams, teachers, and personal notes.
We hoped to create an android application that allows you "Unlock Your Potential with TimeTable: Achieve More, Stress Less"

•	New users are required to create their profile while existing users have their profile created.
•	After successfully creating their profile, the user is now free and ready to use the app
•	On the main page, users are presented with a screen that displays the days of the week (that is from Monday to Friday). Users are presented with an image button that allows them to add to their schedule.
•	After tasks have been created, users can delete them or clear them
•	The main page has a side menu (top left) that consists of the various options. The options include:
•	Summary, Exams, Teachers, Assignment, Notes and Settings
•	The user can select each of the options and add, remove or schedule events. They will receive reminders through notifications and alarms when the tasks are due.
•	Users can also utilize the calendar page to view all scheduled and upcoming events.

•	New Notifications (also about the current lesson)
•	Weekly View
•	Automatically turn on/off Do-Not-Disturb
•	Dark and black mode
•	Backup/Restore
•	Shortcuts
•	Splash Screen
•	onClick Intents e.g. If you click the phone number in the teacher-activity the phone app will be opened
•	Some more little UI changes

How to Run the TimeTable App
•	Create a folder and open it using your terminal or Gitbash
•	Clone the app using the git clone command and the URL https://github.com/dcit202Andriod/Group-19
•	Open the folder in Android Studio and run all the activities to launch the app. Please note that the time required for this step may vary depending on your computer hardware.

GitHub Accounts

1.	Group Leader -10961885 (https://github.com/10961885)
•	Responsible for overall project management and coordination
•	Organized team meetings and facilitated communication among team members
•	Ensured project deadlines were met
•	Assisted in resolving any issues within the team
•	Ensured that the README file and any other necessary documentation were up to date

2.	10957854 (https://github.com/eQuayson)
•	Responsible for testing and ensuring the quality of the app
•	Responsible for deploying the app to the Google Play Store

3.	10965006 (https://github.com/ronnilo)
•	Responsible for designing the user interface and user experience of the app
•	Performed integration testing to ensure seamless functionality across different screens using the android studio

4.	10980503 (https://github.com/iammacpros)
•	Designed the layout, color scheme and typography to enhance user experience
•	Collaborated with other team members to address any reported issues and improve app performance

5.	10976647 (https://github.com/K1NGLEXX)
•	Developed the splash screen
•	Assisted in testing the application

6.	10984975 (https://github.com/shafika567)
•	Responsible for designing the user interface and user experience of the app
•	Developed the Main Screen for adding tasks and its associated functionality.

7.	10984944 (https://github.com/loleslie12)
•	Responsible for designing the user interface and user experience of the app
•	Developed the Side Menu along with other team members. 

8.	10965827 (https://github.com/jerontheblessed)
•	Implemented the functionality to add, modify and delete events from the app
•	Created user guides and documentation to help users understand app functionality
•	Responsible for integrating the app with a backend database 

9.	10963430 (https://github.com/10963430)
•	Prepared the necessary assets and metadata for the app listing
•	Designed the database schema to store user information and tasks
•	Worked with the task and event management team to ensure proper data synchronization

10.	10950814 (https://github.com/Edemkh)
•	Responsible for documenting the app and its features
•	Conducted unit testing to identify and fix any bugs