

With our weather app repository on GitHub, we're bringing you the power to predict and plan ahead. From sunny skies to stormy weather, stay one step ahead with our accurate and reliable weather forecasts. Join us on this open-source journey and contribute to building a brighter tomorrow! 🌤️🔍💻 #ForecastingTheFuture"

Group Members - Student IDs Phinehas Freeman - 10947025 Janet Enyan - 10990297 Richard Owusu Ahwireng - 10958802 Prudence Rashida Adam - 10948938 Agyekum Paul - 10976491 Lily Eyram Apreku Princess - 10962171 Nana Kwame Owen Apraku - 10983824 Isaac Klutse - 10970601 Derrick Kwame Fiagbe -10940924 Caroline Alordey -10950805

Roles and responsibilities

FRONT-END DEVELOPERS • Agyekum Paulson • Enyan Janet • Adam Prudence Rashida

BACK-END DEVELOPERS • Arthur Owen Apraku • Alordey Caroline •Isaac Klutse

DESIGNERS • Freeman Phinehas • Ahwireng Richard Owusu

APP TESTER • Fiagbe Derrick Kwame

DOCUMENTATION WRITER • Apreku Lily Eyram Princess.