
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Agoric Governance Demo

context: Internal Governance Demo #3869

Feeling lucky? Try it at https://gov-demo-ag-2.netlify.app/ along with a devnet client / wallet.


Usage: Creator, Registrar, Voter

As explained in the governance package docs:

Any occasion of governance starts with the creation of a Registrar.

On the Committee Creator tab, you'll see the Registrar Installation boardID defaults to 495234043. The committee registrar contract (from the contractGovernanceMgr-3185 branch) is installed under that board id on devnet, which means anyone can create a committee.

Then share the resulting invitations (by their board id, for now) with the voters (or use them yourself).

Creating a committee fills in the Registrar Creator Facet boardID on the Committee Registrar tab. So you have the power to create questions, or you may delegate that power to others.

On the Committee Member tab, you can claim a voter invitation. This subscribes you to questions as they are created. Choose your position and vote. Claiming a voter invitation also subscribes you to the outcomes of questions, which are displayed shortly after their deadlines pass.


  • route invitations via depositfacets. But how then how does the app get the offer result, i.e. the voting right?