
Nesting an object within an object

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Scrabble Score Checker

A program that allows users to input a word and determine its raw Scrabble score, assuming no special tiles. 6/1/17

By Marilyn Carlin and David Wilson


A website created with C# and HTML where a user can submit a word and determine its raw Scrabble score.


Spec Input Output
Homepage User accesses localhost:5004 Homepage with user input form
Program Gathers User Input User input: "pants" Output: "pants"
Program Removes Spaces from User Input User Input: "pants pants" Output: "pantspants"
Program Removes Punctuation from User Input Input: "p#an^t@s /p(ant%s" Output: "pantspants"
Program Assigns Characters Numeric Values Input: "pants" Output: "3 1 1 1 1"
Program Sums Character Values Input: "3 1 1 1 1" Page Displays: 7

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. To run this program, you must have a C# compiler. I use Mono.
  2. Install the Nancy framework to use the view engine. Follow the link for installation instructions.
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. Open the command line--I use PowerShell--and navigate into the repository. Use the command "dnx kestrel" to start the server.
  5. On your browser, navigate to "localhost:5004" and enjoy!

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs at this time.

Technologies Used

  • C#

    • Nancy framework
    • Razor View Engine
    • ASP.NET Kestrel HTTP server
    • xUnit
  • HTML

Support and contact details

Email no one with any questions, comments, or concerns.


{This software is licensed under the MIT license}

Copyright (c) 2017 {Marilyn Carlin, David Wilson}