Haiku Checker

A website that checks if a poem is a Haiku, Jan 2020

By kwicz Dana Luukko



_A webpage that takes user input in three seperate lines and checks to see if each line meets the criteria of a Haiku. The first line must be 5 syllables, the second line must be 7 syllables, and the 3rd line must be 5 syllables. _

Project Specifications

Behavior Input Output
User submits empty input text Fail
User submits text in each line text Pass
User submits number text Fail
User submits punctuation other than (!, ?, . , :, ;, (), {}, \ ) text Fail
Submits 1st Line with < 5 syllables text Fail
Submits 1st Line with > 5 syllables text Fail
Submits 2nd Line with < 7 syllables text Fail
Submits 2nd Line with > 7 syllables text Fail
Submits 3rd Line with < 5 syllables text Fail
Submits 3rd Line with > 5 syllables text Fail
Submits 1st Line = 5 syllables text Pass
Submits 2nd Line = 7 syllables text Pass
Submits 3rd Line = 5 syllables text Pass

Setup/Installation Requirements

In Terminal:

  • Navigate to where you want this application to be saved, i.e.: cd desktop
  • Clone the file from GitHub with HTTPS git clone https://github.com/kwicz/pizza-parlor.git
  • Open file in your preferred text editor
  • On Mac: open -a {your text editor} pizza-parlor
  • On Windows: pizza-parlor

Download Manually:

  • Navigate to https://github.com/kwicz/pizza-parlor.
  • Click green "Clone or Download" button.
  • Click "Download ZIP".
  • Click downloaded file to unzip.
  • Open folder called "pizza-parlor".
  • Right click "index.html" and select your preferred browser or text editor.

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time.

Support and contact details

Have a bug or an issue with this application? Open a new issue here on GitHub.

Technologies Used

  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • HTML & CSS
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Google Fonts
  • Node_modules



Copyright (c) 2020 Kwicz