
A webpack template updated to APIs and Asynchrony

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Name


By Dana Luukko



Spec Input Output
Behavior Input Output

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. To Run this webpage, open the command prompt and type: $ git clone : https://github.com/dcluukko/Ind-proj-4-Pizza-Parlor.git
  2. Navigate into the ind-proj-4 directory $ cd desktop/ind-proj-4
  3. Open the directory to VS Code. $ code .
  4. Open the index.html webpage $ open index.html
  5. On the webpage select your pizza size in the dropdown menu and select as many toppings as wanted by checking the check boxes.
  6. Click the button "Pizza Time"
  7. The selection form will disapeer. Your pizza size, a list of toppings, and the price of your order will appear.

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs at this time.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • CSS
  • BootStrap
  • HTML

Support and contact details

Email Dcluukko@gmail.com with any questions or concerns


{This software is licensed under the MIT license}

Copyright (c) 2020 Dana Luukko