
Demo data for Bioinformatics 529 class assessment


This repo contains the data that will be used in your placement assessment. Therefore, the description of the data is as follows:


The data contains four (4) columns:

# Column Description
1 start the starting position of a region
2 end the ending position of a region
3 seq the reference sequence of the region
4 info whether or not the region has an observed variation

The info column is the most crucial part of a given row. If no variant was found within the row's regions of interest, the column will have No_variant as its contents. However, if a variant is found in the region of interest, the contents will be similar to


This means that at that position (<some_number>) within the region of interest, a variant (<some_letter(s)>) was found that is different than the original sequence (the sequence found in the seq column).