- 3
- 16
- 6
Proposed namespace for OpenWEMI
#126 opened by kcoyle - 7
OpenWEMI: a Proposal for the DCMI Usage Board
#123 opened by kcoyle - 3
Range of dcterms:type
#100 opened by tombaker - 2
Mappings to Wikidata - status
#107 opened by tombaker - 9
dc/dcterms: source
#94 opened by tombaker - 18
Documenting DCMIT beyond alphabetical listing
#110 opened by kcoyle - 2
- 1
Namespace resolving
#114 opened by HughP - 5
- 6
Rights refinement for jurisdiction
#104 opened by HughP - 2
- 1
DCMI presentation of ISO 25964 namespace
#120 opened by tombaker - 2
Why is dctype:PhysicalObject 'inanimate'?
#101 opened by dr-shorthair - 2
DCMIType PhysicalObject
#117 opened by HughP - 1
Syntax for Language code values
#111 opened by HughP - 0
Interactive Resource vs Service
#118 opened by HughP - 5
Provenance does it modify description?
#103 opened by HughP - 1
Adding root element to dcterms.xsd
#109 opened by milvld - 5
Mappings to - picking up the thread
#106 opened by tombaker - 7
Dublin "Core" - fifteen elements forever?
#108 opened by tombaker - 9
dct:title rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label?
#113 opened by tombaker - 4
Domain-specific properties
#112 opened by tombaker - 5
dcterms XSD
#115 opened by HughP - 7
DCMI class addition Proposal: "Digital3DResource" - Justification & Rationale
#105 opened by AdamRountrey - 4
- 6
dc/dcterms: creator
#85 opened by tombaker - 1
DCMI Metadata Terms - Introduction text
#82 opened by tombaker - 3
- 0
dc/dcterms: subject
#95 opened by tombaker - 0
dc/dcterms: title
#96 opened by tombaker - 0
Add glossary to DCMIMT as per ISO 15836 Part 2?
#99 opened by tombaker - 1
dc/dcterms: type
#97 opened by tombaker - 1
ISO 15836-2 draft announcement text
#98 opened by tombaker - 3
dc/dcterms: format
#88 opened by tombaker - 2
dc/dcterms: relation
#92 opened by tombaker - 0
dc/dcterms: identifier
#89 opened by tombaker - 0
dc/dcterms: rights
#93 opened by tombaker - 2
dc/dcterms: coverage
#84 opened by tombaker - 2
#83 opened by tombaker - 2
dc/dcterms: date
#86 opened by tombaker - 0
dc/dcterms: publisher
#91 opened by tombaker - 0
dc/dcterms: language
#90 opened by tombaker - 0
dc/dcterms: description
#87 opened by tombaker - 0
Extent and format
#79 opened by tombaker - 0
- 19
Designating inverse properties
#74 opened by tombaker - 0
- 2
Redundant statement in Annex B
#75 opened by tombaker