This repository contains the code for the various simulations and model training regimes, as well as the trained models and the code for evaluating the model on the various real image data sets used and developed for the article Byrne, S.A., Maquiling, V., Nyström, M., Kasneci, E., & Niehorster, D.C. (submitted). LEyes: A Lightweight Framework for Deep Learning-Based Eye Tracking using Synthetic Eye Images.

When using the code or model in this repository in your work, please cite Byrne et al. (submitted).

For more information or questions, e-mail: / The latest version of this repository is available from

The code and model are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC NC-BY-SA 4.0) license.


  • model_training: this folder contains the code for generating the various simulations used in the paper, as well as the code for training our models on these simulations.
  • trained_model: this folder contains the trained models used for the evaluations reported in Byrne et al. (submitted).
  • eval: this folder contains the code for running the model evaluations on real eye images (note that the high resolution set is not publicly available).
  • results_EDS2020: this folder contains images showing our model performance on all 2605 annotated images from the EDS2020 dataset.
  • datasets: If you wish to run the eval folder, acquire the needed dataset and place it in a subfolder here.

Version History

N.B.: complete details of changes made are available on github

Version 1.0

  • initial release

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By downloading this data set, you expressly agree to the following conditions of release and acknowledge the following disclaimers issued by the authors:

A. Conditions of Release

Data are available by permission of the authors. Use of data in publications, either digital or hardcopy, must be cited as follows: Byrne, S.A., Maquiling, V., Nyström, M., Kasneci, E., & Niehorster, D.C. (submitted). LEyes: A Lightweight Framework for Deep Learning-Based Eye Tracking using Synthetic Eye Images..

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