
Stack lab

Primary LanguagePerl

CS322 Languages and Compiler Design II Spring 2015 
(Original version of this lab developed by Andrew Tolmach)

Stack Frame Lab

In this lab, we will use gcc and gdb to explore the details of memory
layout and call stack frame construction and deconstruction on the
x86-64. We will also see how this knowledge can be used to exploit
buffer overflow bugs and hijack programs.

This lab is only intended to work on the linuxlab machines (and on the
linux server ada).  Much of it will not work on Macs!

I. Working with gcc and gdb

0. Download and unzip the file stackframe.zip.  It includes these notes
and also a copy of the file gdb.pdf, about debugging assembly code with

1. Run the shell command

  setarch i386 -RL /bin/bash

to establish a sub-shell in which address space randomization is turned
off.  (You can specify a different kind of shell if you prefer.)  You'll
learn why this is necessary later.

2. Type

  make examples 

to compile the two example files. We first compile from .c files to .s
files, and then assemble (with -g set for debugging information) and
link .s files to executables.  By default, gcc uses no optimization
(equivalent to -O0); we also compile versions with moderate optimization
(-O1) enabled.

3. Consider example1.c, example1.s, example1.

We can look at the .s file to see the generated code, but instead let's
focus on inspecting the runtime state directly using gdb.  See the
gdb.pdf document for help.

To get started, type 

   gdb example1
   print main   [to get address of main]
   break *[address of main]

This should stop at the breakpoint at the first location of main.  (Just
putting a breakpoint on symbol main doesn't quite work.)

Try using the 'list' and 'disass' commands to examine the assembly code.
Note that they give similar, but not identical, information.

- 'list' displays the contents of the .s file.  It uses the same
instruction mnemonics, symbolic addresses, and decimal offsets as that

- 'disass' generates the assembly code on the fly by disassembling the
binary code representation.  It sometimes uses different instruction
mnemonics, shows absolute addresses as well as symbolic ones, and uses
hex offsets.

Use disass to determine the range of absolute addresses occupied by main
(e.g. 0x400502--0x400525).

   info registers
   print $rsp

to determine the initial value of the stack pointer (e.g. 0x7fffffffe888).



to trace the execution of the program. Each step should echo the
corresponding line of the .s file.  (Note that you can execute the last
command repeatedly by just typing return.)

At *each* step, determine how the stack changes.  Trace how the prologue
and epilogue code builds or destroy parts of the frame.

As a byproduct of this exercise, produce a memory map showing:

- Location of code for each function.
- Location of each global.
- Location of each stack frame.
- Detailed layout of each stack frame.

Some things to notice along the way:

- The generated code always uses a frame pointer, even when (as for 'g')
it is completely unnecessary because the frame has size 0.

- As part of the prologue, the arguments, which were passed in
registers, are stored into the frame, and subsequently always
read/written from/to their frame locations.  This rather odd behavior is
because because gcc -O0 keeps the primary copy of variables in memory
rather than registers, in order to aid source-level debugging.

- Notice that the offsets of variables in the frame can be surprising,
because gcc often introduces padding between them.  Sometimes this
padding is needed to maintain alignment of items or of the stack as a
whole. According to the ABI, each value needs to be aligned to its size
(e.g. 8-byte values must live on 8-byte boundaries), and (%rsp+8) must
be 16-byte aligned at every function entry point.  But sometimes the
purpose of the padding is frankly mysterious.

- Use 'disass' to observe how the same global variable (e.g. 'b') is
accessed at different offsets from %eip, while its global address is

- Notice the interesting code sequence for the multiplication after the
return into f.

4. Now try providing example1 with some command line arguments, e.g.

./example1 forty plus two is forty-two

Although the program does not use these arguments, they are still
accessible via the argc and argv parameters: argc gives the number of
arguments and argv points to a null-terminated array whose elements are
pointers to the argument strings.  The command name counts as argv[0].

Use gdb to discover exactly where and how the command line arguments are
stored in memory.  Add this information to your memory map.

A gdb hint: You give command line arguments as part of the 'run'

5. Now consider example1_O1.s and example1_O1.

Look at the generated code. Notice that there are no frames or frame
pointers at all; the stack is used only for return addresses.

Optionally, use gdb to trace through the execution of the code.

6. Exercise: Do a similar study of program example2.

As a byproduct, produce a memory map showing:

- Location of code for each function.
- Location of each array.
- Location of each stack frame.
- Detailed layout of each stack frame.

Something seems illegal about how the stack pointer is handled in g.
What is it?  (It is actually legal: search for "red zone" in the x86-64

Now examine the code produced for example2_O1.  How are stack frames and
frame pointers used, if at all?

Part II. Exploiting knowledge of stack layout.

Now we will illustrate in detail how to craft a simple buffer overflow

WARNING: Although this particular exploit is harmless, the techniques
that it uses can be applied to build real attacks on real systems.
Using any knowledge you obtain here (or on the Internet, where it is
easy to find descriptions of similar techniques) to perform real attacks
would be unethical and, in many cases, illegal.

[This development is an x86-64 version of material by Nelson Elhage, MIT
2008.  See stuff.mit.edu/iap/2009/exploit/stack.pdf ]

1. C vulnerability basics:

- Many standard library functions don't check that target arrays are
  big enough (e.g.: strcpy, sprintf, scanf, memcpy, ...)

- Main reason for this: pointers don't carry length information about
  the array they point to.

- A secondary reason: strings are null-terminated; length isn't
  available without traversing the string.

File 'hello.c' contains a vulnerable C program:

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>

  void say_hello(char *name) {
    char buf[128];
    sprintf(buf, "Hello, %s", name);
    printf("%s!\n", buf);

  int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    if (argc >=2)

Try to identify the potential vulnerability.


   make hello

to compile and link this program. (Note the weird flags used in the
compilation; these are important!)

Run it by saying something like

    ./hello Fred

What happens if we give 'hello' a very large argument string? Try it!

2. Exploiting the buffer overrun

Why does this happen? Consider the stack frame for say_hello (which we
can figure out with the techniques we've been using above):

higher addrs |
     return addr
    saved frame pointer  <- %rbp
     buf (128 bytes)     <- -0x80(%rbp)
     name (8 bytes)      <- -0x88(%rbp)
     [padding] (8 bytes) <- -0x90(%rbp)  <- %rsp
stack grows  |

If we write past the end of 'buf', we will overwrite the saved %rbp and
return address.

Key idea: if we are clever, we can overwrite the return address with the
address of some code block of our choosing!

Where should we put this exploit code? Answer: also in 'buf'!

For the sake of an example, we'll make our exploit code invoke "/bin/sh"
to give ourselves a fresh shell. (This is a classic form of exploit. It
is only interesting as an evil exploit if we also get some kind of
privilege escalation as a result, which we definitely won't be
illustrating here.)

3. Crafting the shellcode

Shellcode = the code we write that will invoke the system call to get a
shell (more generically, to install and transfer control to the exploit
code we want to execute).

To get the fresh shell process, we'll use the raw execve system call:

execve (char *file, char **argv, char **envp)

e.g. execve ("/bin/sh", {"/bin/sh", NULL}, NULL)

The x86-64 system call convention is as follows:
- Use "syscall" instruction
- Syscall number goes in %rax
- Arguments go in %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, ...
- Return value in %rax
- Syscall number for exeve (__NR_execve in usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h) is 59 = 0x3b

The shellcode simply needs to set up the argument data structures for
this call and then execute the call. But there are some wrinkles:

- Shellcode must be position-independent, because we can't control where
  it goes.  So any data structure it needs to build must also go on the
  stack, again somewhere in 'buf'.

- The binary representation of the shellcode may be subject to some
  restrictions.  In our case, it must not contain NULs, because we're
  using a broken string routine (sprintf) to move the code into place,
  and a null would halt the move prematurely.  Various encoding tricks
  can be used to achieve this, e.g.
    movl $0, %eax ==> xorl %eax, %eax

The shellcode will build this data on the stack (also inside buf!)

   t: "/bin/sh"   <-- %rdi   [with trailing \0] -- watch out for little-endianess.
       t      <--- %rsi, %rsp

Here's the shellcode:

	movabsq $0x68732f6e69622f20, %rax // " /bin/sh"
	shr $8,%rax		// shr to "/bin/sh\0"
	pushq %rax		
	movq %rsp, %rdi	        // %rdi <- "/bin/sh"
	xorq %rax,%rax		// %rax <- 0
	pushq %rax
	pushq %rdi
	movq %rsp, %rsi		// %rsi <- argv (singleton array containing "/bin/sh")
	movq %rax, %rdx		// %rdi <- envp (empty)
	addq $0x3b, %rax	// %rax <- __NR_execve


  make shellcode.dumped

uses the objdump utility to produce a file with the following contents,
which tells us what the machine-code bytes need to be:

shellcode.o:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <main>:
   0:	48 b8 20 2f 62 69 6e 	movabs $0x68732f6e69622f20,%rax
   7:	2f 73 68 
   a:	48 c1 e8 08          	shr    $0x8,%rax
   e:	50                   	push   %rax
   f:	48 89 e7             	mov    %rsp,%rdi
  12:	48 31 c0             	xor    %rax,%rax
  15:	50                   	push   %rax
  16:	57                   	push   %rdi
  17:	48 89 e6             	mov    %rsp,%rsi
  1a:	48 89 c2             	mov    %rax,%rdx
  1d:	48 83 c0 3b          	add    $0x3b,%rax
  21:	0f 05                	syscall 

4. Installing the shellcode

The plan is fill the stack like this:

                              <- initial value of %rsp when shellcode starts
           landing spot       <- return address
       NOPs for shellcode stack           
             shellcode        <- landing spot
          ---------------     <- buf

We put NOPs (0x90) in below the shellcode because we don't know
  exactly where the landing spot lives as an absolute address, and this
  gives us some margin for error

We put enough NOP's above the shellcode so that there there will be
  room for the shellcode's stack (3 x 8-byte entries in this case).

The trickiest bit is guessing where the landing spot lives as an
absolute address. First, we use the auxiliary program 'getsp' to get the
approximate initial %rsp of a C main program when there are no command
line arguments.  Type

make getsp

to build this program. We need to get this address programatically,
because it can change depending on the environment in which the program
runs, the revision of the operating system, and many other factors.

To obtain a plausible landing spot address, we then make a rough
calculation of the distance between 'main's initial %rsp and the bottom
of 'buf', based on the various frame sizes in hello.c.  We must also
remember that when the contents of argv are non-empty, they will occupy
additional stack space, causing the actual initial %rsp of hello.c/main
to be shifted down from what 'getsp' reports.

Finally, we pick a landing spot a few dozen bytes above our estimate of
the bottom of 'buf.'  If our calculation is off by a few bytes, e.g. due
to alignment padding, it doesn't matter, as long as we end up somewhere
in the NOP zone below the actual shell code.

In a real exploit setting, where we probably couldn't run 'getsp', we
would just use trial and error to guess the landing spot.

5. Running the exploit

Finally, to put together the exploit string and invoke it, we use a Perl
script called hackit.pl.   Perl provides a convenient mechanism (the
'exec' function) to pass the exploit string as a command line argument.

Try it by typing:


You should see the /bin/sh $ prompt. Just ctrl/c out of this shell.

6. Countermeasures.

What went wrong here? 

- No bounds checking in C.
- The stack combines data and control information, so overwriting
  a data buffer can change program's flow of control.
- Nothing stops us from installing executable code on the stack
  and jumping to it.

Because buffer overflow exploits are so widespread, modern compilers and
operating systems typically provide various countermeasures against
them.  To make our exploit work, we had to turn these off.

(a) By default, code generated by gcc is loaded with stack pages marked
as "non-executable" (a mode fairly recently added by the hardware).  We
inhibited this feature by compiling with "-z execstack"; see what
happens if you remove this flag.

(b) By default, code generated by gcc using a technique called a "stack
canary" to notice when a buffer has been overwritten.  We inhibited this
feature by compiling with "-fno-stack-protector"; see what happens if
you remove this flag.

(c) If optimization levels higher than -O0 are used, gcc uses "checking"
versions of the dangerous library calls that are passed bounds
information. See what happens if you compile with -O2.

(d) By default, linux randomizes the address space at load time, so that
the stack (as well as the code and global data) load at unpredictable
addresses, which makes it much harder to guess the landing spot
position.  See what happens if you exit from the shell created by
"setarch" and run 'getsp' several times.  Now try running the exploit.