
b2 mid mod assessment

Primary LanguageRuby

Supermarket Sweep

This repository requires and has been tested on Ruby v2.7.4 and is based on Rails 5.2.8.

RSpec and Shoulda-Matchers have been installed and set up. Setup

fork this repo
clone your fork
git clone <repo_name>
cd <repo_name>
bundle install
rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}

When you run bundle exec rspec you should have 2 passing tests. Instructions

Work on this assessment independently. DO NOT discuss with anyone.
You are allowed to use any references including notes, Google, lesson plans, etc.
Read each story carefully before you start working.
Commit Frequently, about every 15 - 30 minutes
Push your code to your fork once the time is up (not before!)
The use of scaffolding is not permitted on this assessment.


Once the time for the assessment is up, push your code to your fork and create a pull request to the turingschool-examples repository. Include the following:

Your Name
A reflection on how you felt you did with this challenge and what story you got through


TDD all new work
Model methods and relationships must be fully tested.

Not Required

No visual styling is required or expected
You do not need to test for or create any model validations.

Challenge Description

Supermarket Sweep is an app that tracks Supermarkets, the customers that they serve and the items that those customers purchase.

Supermarkets have a name and a location.
    ex: name: 'Corner Market', location: '123 Food St.'
Customers have a name.
    ex: name: 'Sally Shopper'
Items have a name and a price
    ex: name: 'Banana', price: 1 (this can be interpreted as $1. For simiplicity, we recommend storing price as an integer)

Model Setup

Supermarkets have many Items.
Items belong to a Supermarket.
Customers have many Items.
Items have many Customers.

Some of the initial model set up and testing has been done for you. User Stories

Story 1

As a visitor, When I visit a customer show page, I see the customer's name, And I see its a list of its items including the item's name, price, and the name of the supermarket that it belongs to.

Story 2

As a visitor, When I visit a customer's show page, Then I see a form to add an item to this customer. When I fill in a field with the id of an existing item, And I click submit, Then I am redirected back to the customer's show page, And I see the item now listed under this customer's items. (You do not have to test for a sad path, for example if the ID submitted is not an existing item)

Story 3

As a visitor, When I visit the items index page, Then I see a list of all items including the item's name, price, and the name of the supermarket that it belongs to and the count of customers that bought that item.



As a visitor, When I visit a supermarket's show page, Then I see a unique list of all customers that have shopped at the supermarket.