
snake-singularity image for viral calling

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

viral_snake : a parallelized, system-agnostic snakemake pipeline (and singularity image) for viral calling of metagenomic data

Conclusions: Parallelizing a proven viral calling pipeline and systematizing with snakemake makes for faster, reproducible metagenomic research....
Authors: Daniel Morgan; Haobin Yao; Joshua Ho

Clone current version & run see build file and here

    ml singularity
    singularity pull --arch amd64 library://dcolinmorgan/vc/viral_calling:v0.1
    ml snakemake
    cd  <working dir>
    snakemake --profile profile/ --jobs 8

This analysis was performed on the BIO-ML metagenomics, time-series dataset, from the 2019 Nature Medicine paper (ref. below). Data can be found in serveral places, and collecting and coallating was messy, so I've included files to download the data in this repo. Poyet, M., Groussin, M., Gibbons, S.M. et al. A library of human gut bacterial isolates paired with longitudinal multiomics data enables mechanistic microbiome research. Nat Med 25, 1442–1452 (2019).

    ml parallel
    function ftpall {
    wget ftp://$1
    export -f ftpall
    parallel -j 20 ftpall :::: ftp_PRJNA544527.txt

IMPORTANT: singularity image gives user installed versions of required packages, also attained in any pyenv, as follows:

  • conda: bioconda pandas megahit numpy prodigal bowtie bbmap hmmer
  • conda3.6: dvf python=3.6 numpy theano=1.0.3 keras=2.2.4 scikit-learn Biopython h5py
  • pip: MetaPhlan
  • github: DeepVirFinder, viralrecall

raw data processing, viral contigs identification, and viral taxonomy annotation

  1. Assemble contigs with megahit
    1. intput: raw paired end fastq.gz files from ftp link ({sample}_1.fastq.gz,{sample}_2.fastq.gz)
    2. output: NGS assembled contigs ({sample}.fa)
  2. Identify bacterial contigs with MetaPhlan4 -- confirm data quality in comparison to BIO-ML publication, remove from downstream analysis
    1. intput: raw paired end fastq.gz files from ftp link ({sample}_1.fastq.gz,{sample}_2.fastq.gz)
    2. output: metaphlan table ({sample}.txt)
  3. Identify viral contigs with DeepVirFinder
    1. intput: assembled contigs (({sample}.fa))
    2. output: viral contig predictions (final.contigs.fa_gt{params}bp_dvfpred.txt, where params is bp cutoff)
  4. Predict viral genes with Progical, run script here
    1. intput: viral contig predictions (final.contigs.fa_gt{params}bp_dvfpred.txt, where params is bp cutoff)
    2. output: viral genes from predicted contigs (final_contigs.fna)
  5. ensure contigs are viral via blastp and filtering against viral refseq database
    1. intput: viral genes from predicted contigs (final_contigs.fna) + refseq viral database
    2. output: (viral_hits.blast) & filter down to (blast_contigs.fa)
  6. bowtie and samtools to produce feature table per sample, merge into single table
    1. intput: (blast_contigs.fa)
    2. output: (idxstats.txt) per sample & merge
  7. Remove bacterial contigs and identify viral taxonomy with viralrecall
    1. intput: format then (cat_blast_contigs.faa)
    2. output: {sample}/VR_out and merge to get count table (contig_counts.tsv)
  8. plot metaplhlan abundance

Abundance, UMAP& Time-Series analysis

requirements : cudf cuml graphistry cu-cat seaborn

    pip install --extra-index-url=https://pypi.nvidia.com cuml-cu11 cudf-cu11 cugraph-cu11 pylibraft_cu11 raft_dask_cu11 dask_cudf_cu11 pylibcugraph_cu11 pylibraft_cu11
    pip install -U --force git+https://github.com/graphistry/pygraphistry.git@cudf
    pip install -U git+https://github.com/graphistry/cu-cat.git@DT3

Following this jupyter notebook for species abundance, umap, time-series analysis

Among other things, these checks are performed herewithin:

Workflow figure from Nature Comms paper previous manuscript

Figure 1. Pipeline: raw data processing, viral contigs identification, and viral taxonomy annotation
__Figure 1. The workflow of the raw data processing, viral contigs identification, and viral taxonomy annotation. The main workflow of this study was composed of three parts: raw data preprocessing, viral contigs identification, and viral taxonomy annotation. Viral contigs identification involves viral contigs identification and 2 rounds bacterial genome removal. The viral taxonomy annotation also includes taxonomy annotation and NCLDV contigs verification. Wang, L., Yao, H., Morgan, D.C. et al. Altered human gut virome in patients undergoing antibiotics therapy for Helicobacter pylori. Nat Commun 14, 2196 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37975-y