
Primary LanguageC#

Technical assessment - take home 

We are a very practical team at Health Care Informed and this extends to the way that we work with you to find out if this team is a great fit for you. We want you to come away with a great understanding of the work that we actually do day to day and what it is like to work with us.

So instead of coding at a whiteboard with someone watching over your shoulder under high pressure, which is not a thing we often do, we instead discuss code that you have written previously when we meet face to face.

The Brief:

“A Health Care Informed customer needs to be able to find patient visit information at one of their hospitals. Create a simple web application using React, Typescript, C# that allows a customer to search patient/hospital visit information and display results. The application should have a very simple styled UX, some simple API’s and leverages the data store and sample data provided”.


  • Don’t spend too long on it (~4 hours) and keep things simple. This is not a time limit just a guideline.
  • Fork the repo into your own GitHub Repository. I've provided boiler plate with an in memory database and test data to help you move faster.
  • Add functionality to the PatientService/IPatientService (app/business layer) and PatientsRepository (data layer) that query the HCIDataContext (database) and add your API contracts to the PatientsController. Please define strong interfaces here, return types etc.
  • Don’t worry about:
    • Authentication
    • Adding tests
  • Do focus on:
    • Solve the customer problem in any way you like
    • The deliverable is well packaged and easy for us to test
    • Clearly communicate any assumptions you want to make, shortcuts you take etc.
    • Spend your time in the right places based on your strengths - e.g. take shortcuts and document them if it makes sense to
    • Share a screen recording with a short demo of the application (max 5 mins - can use Loom) OR deploy to Azure free tier services so we can see what it looks like. Whatever works better for you.
  • What I'm mainly looking for:
    • You structure your front and back end code well so it's clean, modular & well organised. Attention to detail important.
    • How do the well do the components talk to each other on FE, API's and BE structure. These interfaces are important.
    • You understand the customer requirement and make sensible trade offs for feature quality versus keeping it simple.
    • How easy is it for us to test and run
  • Think of this like an open source project. Create a repo on Github, use git for source control, and use README.md to document what you built for the newcomer to your project, create PR’s etc like you normally would.


  • When you’re done, send us a link to the Github project and the Azure link / Loom to vinny.lawlor@hci.care - it will be reviewed by engineering and the CTO within 2 days.




  • The API contains the following endpoints:

    • GET /api/patients
    • GET /api/patients/{patientId}
    • GET /api/patients/{patientId}/visits


  • The API could have a connection to a Database

  • The API could provide endpoints to create, update and delete entities

  • Could have unit and integration tests implemented


The frontend app has been bootstrapped with Create React App as it generates a simple and "pure" frontend-only app structure.

Instructions on how to start and build it can be found on the app README.

Structure and Assumptions

  • The app spins up a couple of known routes using react-router-dom:

    • /
    • /patients
    • /patients/:id/visits
  • The pages can be found on /src/components/pages and are pure React components that use hooks for setting state and making requests to the API

  • Styles are created using SASS and can be loaded as CSS modules

  • Entities returned by the API are mapped in the /src/entities folder

  • Common styles can be found on /src/components/common

  • The app expects the API to be up and running at http://localhost:5272/api


  • The app could have a redux store to save the list of patients

  • This would be more important when we have user sessions and high level state to control - so for now it is fine without redux

  • Could have unit and snapshot tests implemented

  • The API calls could be refactored into a separate class or util functions to handle token and to streamline the error handling, etc

  • Could be using a library of components as the project grows - not necessary for now

  • For a more complete example of React App using redux and making other requests to an API, please check out my other repository: https://github.com/dcollioni/owlbooks

