RSI Frontend Developer Coding Challenge

Challenge Summary

This coding challenge is to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of frontend development using ReactJS, Material UI, and a table library called Material-Table.

The objective is to create the application as close to the mockups as possible and to also address as many of the requirements as possible.

The Material UI theme has already been provided for this project in the Theme.js file, please use Material UI components to build this project.

The table library that will be used for this project will be Material-Table. Please review their documentation to better help you complete the requirements for this project.

When you have completed the project you can either zip up the project and email it back or create a repository for the project on GitHub and send us a link to the repository.

Set up

  1. cd into client folder yarn install

  2. yarn start to start the React app.

  • If yarn -v doesn't work, install yarn
    • npm install -g yarn


Data Loading

  • When the user clicks the SEARCH button it will load the mock data from the data.js file into the table.

  • The table will show NO RECORDS TO DISPLAY before the data is loaded.

  • The Search by Affidavit No, Policy No, Batch No, or Insured Name input does NOT need to be functional.

See Figure 1


Display columns and rows for the table using the mock data from the data.js file as follows:

Column Name: Affidavit No
Datatype: string

  • use the AFFIDAVITNO value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Policy No
Datatype: string

  • use the POLICYNO value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Insured Name
Datatype: string

  • use the RISKINSUREDNAME value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Type
Datatype: string

  • use the TRANSACTIONTYPE value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Premium
Datatype: currency

  • use the AMOUNT value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object
  • should include commas when necessary

Column Name: Inception
Datatype: date
Format: MM/DD/YYYY

  • use the EFFECTIVEDATE value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Expiration
Datatype: date
Format: MM/DD/YYYY

  • use the EXPIRATIONDATE value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Batch
Datatype: number

  • use the BATCHID value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Submitted
Datatype: date
Format: MM/DD/YYYY

  • use the RECIEVEDATE value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

Column Name: Proc State
Datatype: string

  • use the PROCESSEDSTATE value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object

  • this column will hold the Proc State value and the MoreVert Icon Button that will display a detail card.

Detail Card

  • When the MoreVert Icon Button at the end of each row is clicked it will display details associated with the row.

Display the data for the card as follows:

  • The Affidavit No will be the card header

    • use the AFFIDAVITNO value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object.
  • The Company(s) detail can have multiple values

    • use the COMPANY array in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object to build the companies list.

    • display the COMPANYNUMBER - COMPANYNAME for each list item

  • The Coverage detail will have a single value

    • use the COVERAGE value in the PARTA_TRANSACTION object.

Table Search

  • The search bar will be able to filter rows by any column that contains the search term.

  • The search will not be limited to first character of a word the search term can show up any where in the word.

  • Should address null values

See Figures 3 and 4

Hide and Show Columns

  • The table will have an ViewColumn icon button in the toolbar which will allow the user to add or remove columns from the table.

  • All columns will be shown initially

See Figure 5

Export Data

  • The table will have a SaveAlt icon button in the toolbar which will allow the user to Export as PDF or Export as CSV.

  • The export should work for the entire data set not just the first 10 rows.

  • Should address null values

See Figure 6


  • The table will have a FilterList icon button in the toolbar which will toggle the column filter row in the table.

  • Typing a value in a column filter should filter the rows that contain the search term in the column.

  • Should address null values

See Figures 7 - 9


  • The table will have a ViewHeadline icon button in the toolbar which will toggle the density of the rows.

  • The table should initially be set to a normal density and change to dense on first click.

See Figures 10 & 11


  • Clicking on the Column Header will sort the table by column row.

  • The first click on the Column Header will sort the rows by the selected column in ascending order.

  • The second click on the Column Header will sort the rows by the selected column in descending order.

  • The third click will return the rows to the default order.

See Figures 12 & 13

Rows Per Page

  • The default rows per page will be 10.

  • The options for rows per page will be 10, 25, 50, and 100.

  • Choosing a row per page option will change how many rows show up on the page.

See Figure 14

Mockup Figures

Figure 1
Figure 1 - No Data

Figure 2 Figure 2 - Detail Card

Figure 3 Figure 3 - Table Search

Figure 4 Figure 4 - Table Search

Figure 5 Figure 5 - Hide & Show Columns

Figure 6 Figure 6 - Export Data

Figure 7 Figure 7 - Show Filters

Figure 8 Figure 8 - Hide Filters

Figure 9 Figure 9 - Filter By Column Action

Figure 10 Figure 10 - Density

Figure 11 Figure 11 - Density

Figure 12 Figure 12 - Sort By Column Ascending

Figure 13 Figure 13 - Sort By Column Descending

Figure 14 Figure 14 - Rows Per Page