FAiR is a practical and effective tool to aid in the search process in SsR, since it has the main evaluation metrics, as well as it is compatible with the main recommendation libraries currently available (MovieLens and LensKit).
To quantify the impacts of the application of different recommendation strategies, we organized the framework into three modules, Effectiveness-based, Complementary Dimensions of Quality and Domain Profiling.
Effectiveness-based: Metrics related quality to recommender systems. Complementary Dimensions of Quality: Metrics related to user satisfaction. Domain Profiling: Collection features used.
Python from version 3 available at: (https://www.python.org/).
In order to simplify the process of installing your dependencies, we create the install.sh.
To install the libraries, navigate to the framework directory and use the following command:
$ bash install.sh
To use the framework, use the following command:
$ bash runFramework.sh