################################################################### Mincemeat.py cloud computing HW ################################################################### Project components: There are 3 map reduce code modules in this project, "mathstats.py", "primes.py", and "passCrack.py".
"mathstats.py" accepts the path to a file as a parameter, loads the numbers, and prints the count, sum, and standard deviation of the numbers. NOTE: This module takes about a minute to run when passed 1,000,000 numbers with 4 workers.
"primes.py" finds primes from 2 to 10,000,000 that are palindromes. This module takes about 30 seconds to run using 4 workers.
"passCrack.py" accepts a 5 digit hash number, and generates all of the 4 character passwords whose first five hash code digits match the five hash digits passed to the program.