
STB library-based font packing tool and 3d font geometry generator for TTF fonts

Primary LanguageC++


STB library-based font packing tool and 3d font geometry generator for TTF fonts

This is my attempt at a simple font-packing, texture and geometry data generating tool for use in 3D rendering of text.


  • STB libs used to gather font information and render to the texture.
  • Font texture is created by packing glyps into a bitmap using a tree-based bin packing algorithm to partition the space.
  • Geometry/uv data is generated to render a string from the glyph data and texture atlas using proper kerning and line advance.
  • Implementation can be modified to serialize/restore the necessary glyph data in order to utilize a pre-generated texture and atlas.
  • Currently only uses std::sort from stl to organize glyphs by size for efficient packing (i should get around to just writing a quick drop-in replacement).


Example Image

Example generated texture using the Windows Arial font at 96.0f pixel max glyph height packed into a 512x512 single-channel image.


  1. Grab stb_truetype and stb_image_write from the nothings/stb repo.
  2. #include "font.h"
  3. Load a texture: loadFontToTexture(f, "C:/Windows/Fonts/Arial.ttf", texture, texW, texH, ' ', '~');
  4. Generate some geometry for some text: fontTextToGeometry(font, "Hi.", &geometry, &uv, &vertices);
  5. Get OpenGL or something to render it to the screen!