A web app that allows students to complete self-assessments so that their instructors can create personalized growth plans for them.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stories in Ready PGP

![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join Chat.svg) #This project has been canceled Personalized Growth Plan

####Angular Returns After coming up with some creative ways to replace the angular frame work with vanilla JavaScript in this app, (like making supercharge hybrid element collections with webcomponents and polymer, and creating a grunt build plugin for compiling views into JavaScript and associating them with their controller counter parts just to name a few) I have decided to bring the angular framework back. I chose to move away from angular because I did not like being deterred from implementing solutions in the app using vanilla JavaScript or having to jump through angular hoops to accomplish a task. I am still not convinced of angular's merit's over writing my own smaller and more focused reusable code; however over the course of time angular has grown greatly in popularity and so also the need for angular developers. Less people are looking for Java Script developers and so I must embrace the angular collection of methods for posterity. Perhaps I will grow fond of it along the way, but I doubt that I will ever prefer it over its source. One thing I can not deny at this time is that this application will come alive a lot faster using the angular framework, as building comparable tools takes time, a lot of time. This alone would not deter me as I think that avoiding huge governing frame works and instead building applications using smaller, more specific peaces of reusable code is a better way to go. However this does not seem to be the main stream attitude. Therefore in order to insure the maintainability of this application through the availabilty of developers able to read and improve it, angular is the best choice.