- 6
- 0
- 0
- 3
Failed installation of dcos cli
#1575 opened by Kotsakis - 2
download log bundle without prompt
#1438 opened by zencircle - 4
Failed to execute dcos package repod add command
#1482 opened by habibrosyad - 2
- 0
- 1
Cannot use regular expression in task command
#1454 opened by tpapaj-CKPL - 2
Suggest installing subcommand if there is one and user doesn't have it installed
#961 opened by msabramo - 4
dcos cluster setup error with BasicAuth: Error: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
#1490 opened by Lucas-C - 1
Dcos-cli can't update jobs or create jobs with force-pull or privileges set to True
#1494 opened by karlohrn - 2
bash/zsh completions
#962 opened by msabramo - 5
How can I update a Marathon app Docker image?
#978 opened by Darkhogg - 2
0.4.17 seems to fail when attempting to run with python 2.7
#1020 opened by aabes - 1
DCOS CLI help should show the list of commands
#1034 opened by arun-gupta - 1
dcos cli for apache mesos
#1055 opened by jianzzz - 6
CLI compatibility matrix?
#1077 opened by oliverlockwood - 1
homebrew-ed dcos-cli reports "SNAPSHOT" as version
#1083 opened by oschrenk - 2
- 2
KeyError: 'cmd', while running dcos marathon app list
#1138 opened by f0ster - 1
How to redeploy/update Marathon applications/services stack already running in a DC/OS cluster, with new definition file (.json)
#1177 opened by sandeep000 - 3
standard cli
#1183 opened by mahmoodn - 3
Link to download latest version points to 0.5.3
#1192 opened by luisdavim - 2
Spark properties spark.mesos.driverEnv.[EnvironmentVariableName] does not work via the DCOS cli
#1199 opened by dromard - 5
cli version
#1185 opened by mahmoodn - 0
How to use --master-proxy on dcos cli for windows?
#1166 opened by psmolkin - 5
- 5
dcos cli login for CI
#845 opened by andreimc - 12
dcos package install --cli is not working
#1190 opened by bergerx - 1
- 2
Install package timeout
#1129 opened by whisper-bye - 1
Keep node username and proxy-ip in cluster config
#1095 opened by bergerx - 8
How can I change one file in a marathon app?
#1107 opened by andrei-bv - 1
Overwritten config settings breaks kafka service CLIs.
#1104 opened by joerg84 - 5
`dcos task log --follow` has no output
#1093 opened by kennethjiang - 2
- 4
dcos job --config-schema fails (binary DC/OS cli)
#839 opened by adragomir - 2
Create Homebrew package
#992 opened by msabramo - 3
Can't set custom CA bundle for SSL verification with privately signed certificate
#980 opened by jcmcken - 1
dcos node --help advertises deprecated options.
#865 opened by nfnt - 1
Exception while trying to login
#968 opened by kasured - 7
Slack channel?
#949 opened by msabramo - 2
Update the development dependencies in the README
#883 opened by klueska - 1
Python 3.6 installed but 3.5 is required
#895 opened by szwed - 3
Question about mesos DC/OS endpoint
#873 opened by enlinxu - 2
`dcos service log` uses the wrong user name and the private, not public, ip address
#869 opened by deanwampler - 3
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