
Ruby gem for the new Amazon SNS service

Primary LanguageRuby

Amazon SNS gem


A Ruby gem for use with the Amazon Simple Notification service (http://aws.amazon.com/sns/).


AmazeSNS.skey = 'your amazon aws secret key' AmazeSNS.akey = 'your amazon aws access key'

AmazeSNS['your_topic_name'] # creates a new Topic Object but not yet published AmazeSNS['your_topic_name'].create # add new topic to local hash and to SNS AmazeSNS['your_topic_name'].delete # removes it from both SNS and local hash

AmazeSNS.logger = my_logger # set a logger for the response


Require the CrackXML gem for parsing XML responses back from SNS and also EventMachine and EM-Http request gem


Copyright (c) 2010 29 Steps UK. See LICENSE for details.