
Scripts to automate management of sites/configs/services on a server using nginx, haproxy, and cilantro.

‘site’ manages sites.

Generates config files and operates services to get a site activated or deactivated on the server.

site new fluidjs.com

  • creates all the configs you need, and stores them in your ~/SiteConfigs. You can edit them there at any time.
  • add the option “—thin” if you are using thin for this app.
    sudo site activate fluidjs.com
  • creates hard-links to your configs in appropriate places: /etc/nginx/sites-available/, /etc/haproxy/sites/, and /etc/thin/ (if applicable)
  • creates a symlink for nginx in sites-enabled
  • reloads nginx & haproxy
  • starts thin (if applicable) or cilantro (if applicable)
    sudo site deactivate fluidjs.com
  • removes symlink in sites-enabled
  • removes all hard-link’d configs from the system
  • reloads nginx & haproxy
  • stops thin (if applicable) or cilantro (if applicable)
    site remove fluidjs.com
  • deletes the configs from SiteConfigs, but complains if the site is currently activated

‘cilantro’ manages processes for sinatra sites.

Example commands, self-explanatory:

  • cilantro # assumes “run” command (runs sinatra in foreground) and current directory
  • cilantro start /path/to/app —port 5555
  • cilantro stop /path/to/app # stops all services in that app
  • cilantro stop /path/to/app —port 5555 # stops only the service running on port 5555
  • cilantro start # assumes current directory, complains if it doesn’t find a config/init.rb
  • cilantro stop # assumes current directory, stops all services
  • cilantro status # (with any other typical arguments) lists services and their ports