
Script for SABnzbd that will automatically add a AC3 track to a MKV when there is a DTS track and make the AC3 track the default track

This script, when placed in the corret SABnzbd folder, will automatically
convert any MKV file that has a DTS audio track. It will add a AC3 audio
track to the MKV video file as well as make it the first track in the MKV
file and make it the default track. It will then delete any .dts file made.
It also should delete any mkv with the word "sample" before the conversion

As of right now, the only edit the script needs is to point to the mkvdts2ac3
script (created by JakeWharton, https://github.com/JakeWharton/mkvdts2ac3)
At a later date when I get more expereince and time, I am going to try to
just have a single script.

The depedencies (all for Jake's script) are as follows

Make sure the executables for the following libraries are accessible.

mkvtoolnix - Matroska tools
libdca - DTS to WAV decoder
aften - WAV to AC3 encoder
rsync - File transfer and synchronization
Note: If you are a Mac OS X user you may need to compile these libraries.