This project is not active. If you need to make changes, please fork it.
Simple tool to transfer stories from Pivotal Tracker to Clubhouse.
I'm assuming you'll use pip to install them.
- requests 2.7.0 or above
usage: pivotaltracker-clubhouse [-h] --ptoken PTOKEN --ctoken CTOKEN
--pproject PPROJECT --cproject CPROJECT
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
--ptoken PTOKEN The app token of the Pivotal Tracker user. See
--ctoken CTOKEN An app token of the Clubhouse user. See
--pproject PPROJECT The Pivotal Tracker project ID from which to transfer
--cproject CPROJECT The Clubhouse project ID to which to transfer stories.
Only non-accepted stories in Pivotal are transferred. Release-type stories are not transferred. Some basic information, such as
the name, story type, tasks, and labels are preserved. Not all information is preserved. See the code for details. The created
date will be the date of the transfer, and the requester will be the owner of the Clubhouse API token. The work state (e.g.
started, finished) is not preserved. If you run the tool multiple times, you will have duplicate stories. You can easily bulk
archive stories in Clubhouse before using the tool again, but if you want them permanently deleted, it won't be so easy (but
archiving is probably sufficient to keep it uncluttered). An additional label "pivotal" is attached to each imported story, and
the Clubhouse story external_id
is set to the ID of the Pivotal story. Stories in Pivotal are preserved, not deleted.