
🔑 a terminal based password manager

Primary LanguagePython


A very simple command line interfaced password manager that uses fernet encryption to store passwords securely.


Easy installation:

git clone https://github.com/dcronqvist/danpass
cd danpass
sudo sh ./install.sh  # It'll install it by making a symlink to its location from /usr/local/bin/danpass

Or if you prefer a one-line method:

git clone https://github.com/dcronqvist/danpass && cd danpass && sudo sh ./install.sh

How to use

Get started by getting familiar with the different commands that exist, you can of course check it all out using -h. So by just running $ danpass -h will display a bunch of help text.

Looking up entries

$ danpass find will display something like Found 36 entries in danpass. depending on how many entries you have stored in danpass. If you also specify -l or --list, danpass will list all entries in the manager out for you.

If you instead want to look up a certain entry for a specific site, you can run something like $ danpass find -l -s example.com to find the entry associated with the site example.com. Specifying -l is necessary since it will make sure danpass actually prints out the entry for you with all the information. If you do not specify -l, it will just print out how many entries are associated with the site. -s or --site followed by the site you wish to search for is how to search for entries given a site.

$ danpass find -l -s example.com
Found 1 entries in danpass.
ID:             12
Website:        example.com
Username:       johndoe@example.com
Password:       reallygoodpassword

If you for some reason happen to know the exact ID of the entry you'd like to check, then you can simply use the -id argument followed by the ID you want to find. Easy peasy.

Adding entries

When adding an entry to danpass, you have to specify all arguments for it to work. -s is the site, -u is the username and -p is the password that the entry should have.

$ danpass add -s example.com -u karendoe@example.com -p karenspassword
Added new entry!
ID:             423
Website:        example.com
Username:       karendoe@example.com
Password:       karenspassword

Badabing badaboom, you got yourself a new entry.

Updating an entry

If you'd like to change an existing entry, you should first know its ID by using $ danpass find beforehand. With the found ID, you can run something like this.

$ danpass update -id 423
Found entry:
ID:             423
Website:        example.com
Username:       karendoe@example.com
Password:       karenspassword
New username: newkarendoe@example.com   <- you will have to input a new username and password here in the terminal.
New password: karensnewpass
Updated entry to:
ID:             423
Website:        example.com
Username:       newkarendoe@example.com
Password:       karensnewpass

Super easy to update an entry!

Deleting an entry

Much like the updating, it's preferred to know the entry's ID for this. Just run the following.

$ danpass delete -id 423
Successfully deleted entry:
ID:             36
Website:        example.com
Username:       newkarendoe@example.com
Password:       karensnewpass

And then the entry is deleted, perfect!