

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


English Goal: Evaluate knowledge of the Ethereum environment and related libraries.

Statement: Develop a smart contract with a method that receives an array of bytes and that its execution has a cost of between 100,000 and 120,000 gas units.

Demonstration: The smart contract must be tested with Truffle or Hardhat. Whatever the environment chosen, all actions involving the smart contract must be performed both with direct JSON-RPC interactions (i.e. through the eth_sendRawTransaction method) and with the mechanism proposed by the underlying library (e.g. using Truffle's migrations).

Requirements: The challenge will be tested through the command yarn test

Bonus: Minimize direct project dependencies

Estimated time: 2-3 hours

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1- Pre-requisites:

a- node shall be installed, version v16.2.0 or higher

b- yarn shall be installed, version 1.22.10 or higher

c- Use a Linux or Mac computer (it was not tested on MS Windows so can't guarantee will work in this target OS. To make it work in any target platform I would use docker, but this it outside the scope of this challenge)

2- Make sure to have your local port TCP 8545 free as this will be used by the local blockchain (ganache-cli)

3- Position in the root of the project; and execute 'yarn test' Note the first time you run it this could take a significant amount of time to install the right packages and dependencies