
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

mibe (Machine Image Build Environment)

mibe is a build environment for SmartOS images.



  • mi_home/bin - Holds scripts to handle repository operations and build images.

    • bin/repo_cloneall - Clones latest Joyent Machine Image repositories into mi_home/repos.
    • bin/repo_pullall - Pulls latest Joyent Machine Image repositories into mi_home/repos.
    • bin/repo_init - Initializes a new Machine Image repository and populates standard build files.
    • bin/tpl - Builds SmartOS images.
  • mi_home/etc - Where configuration files for repositories are kept.

    • etc/repos.conf - Git server repository configuration on where to get Machine Image repos from.
    • etc/repos.list - Git repository list of Joyent Machine Image repositories. This is updated as more images are made public.
  • mi_home/images - Final image dumps are stored here.

  • mi_home/logs - Logging directory for image builds.

  • mi_home/repos - Build repositories.


Clone the mibe repository in /opt (or wherever has space to store image files):

# cd /opt
# git clone https://github.com/dcrudgington/mibe
# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mibe/bin

Run repo_cloneall to grab the updated Joyent Machine Image build repositories. They will be pulled down into mibe_home/repos.

# repo_cloneall

Create a VM (SmartOS) for building images:

# cat <<EOF > mibezone1.json
"brand": "joyent",
"image_uuid": "9eac5c0c-a941-11e2-a7dc-57a6b041988f",
"alias": "mibezone1",
"hostname": "mibezone1",
"max_physical_memory": 512,
"quota": 20,
"nics": [
"nic_tag": "admin",
"ip": "dhcp",
"primary": "true"

Run vmadm create to create it:

# vmadm create -f mibezone1.json

To build an example image we specify the base image as the uuid of base/base64 we imported above), the vm to use (uuid of mibezone1), and the repository build files:

# cd /opt/mibe/repos
# tpl -b 9eac5c0c-a941-11e2-a7dc-57a6b041988f -z 991e1640-d8f3-11e2-b7ca-9fde7e2f67c6 mi-example

The built image will be stored at mi_home/images/example-1.0.0.*