
Primary LanguageShell


Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository, review the code, and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!


  • git
  • brew
  • GNU stow (brew install stow)
  • Apple Commandline Tools (xcode-select --install)


Install Brew here.

Once brew is installed run these commands. This will add brew to the path.

echo '# Set PATH, MANPATH, etc., for Homebrew.' >> /Users/danielryan/.zprofile
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/danielryan/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Install stow

brew install stow

Steps to Bootstrap a New Mac

  1. Clone repo
# Clone the dotfiles to ~/.dotfiles.
$ git clone git@github.com:dcryan/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
  1. Symlink all dot files.

This will add a symbolic link for all hidden files here to the $HOME directory. The '/' targets only the directories, and ignores all first root directory files. The --restow will do a cleanup before doing another stow.

$ stow --restow */ 

  1. Install Homebrew and packages.

This will install Homebrew, and brew install all packages and casks.

$ ./brew.sh

Steps to Create a Brewfile

Overwrites the Brewfile

brew bundle --force dump

Remove the clutter from the Brewfile

The autoremove command removes all the hanging, no longer needed packages from your computer. So say goodbye to unneeded dependencies and messy brew list output.

brew autoremove

If you want to take your tidy-up routine to the next level, you can also run brew cleanup. This command removes downloads for outdated formulas and casks.

brew cleanup

Access iCloud Development folder

This has all the pre-install requirements such as:

  • ssh keys
cd /Users/danielryan/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development
stow */