
image generator

Primary LanguagePython


image generator using various Text2Image models

The goal is to compare across a range of different prompt types:

  • made up - 'panda riding a bicycle'
  • artistic - detailed prompts with styles
  • concepts - 'how does a panic attack feel'
  • style transfer - xx in style of Warhol
  • photos, drawings, illustrations, diagrams
  • other types of imaginative prompts

Often using replicate API https://replicate.com/docs/api/getting-started-public


get an API key from replicate and export it https://replicate.com/docs/api/getting-started-public

for example

cp .env.example .env

edit the .env file to add your key then

source .env

# first time: install virtual env:
python3 -m venv venv

# activate venv
source venv/bin/activate

# install pip modules
pip install -r requirements.txt


make run

This will execute the run command inside the Makefile

Depending on what's configured, it should output images into renders/

Have a look at the cli.py to see what commands are available.


Renders get saved into output/renders

Another command makes a markdown gallery like this one

Full link to anchor example:



settings: https://dazhizhong.gitbook.io/pixray-docs/docs/primary-settings

