
Salesforce HttpCalloutMock Interface implementation

Primary LanguageApex


Salesforce HttpCalloutMock Interface implementation


The code snippet below sets two mocks responses that are returned in order.

  • Everything following a call to next() will be associated with the next response.

  • A status code of 200 is set by default but may be overridden.

  • body() can take a String or a Map which is then serialized.

  • emptyBuilder() will not create a starter response by default. You will need to add one via next() or mockCalloutException(String exceptionMessage).

  • mockCalloutException(String exceptionMessage) will create a mock that throws a Callout Exception.

Example: Create two mock responses

Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, MockHttpResponse.builder()
   .body('{ "status": "OK" }')
   .body('some text')

Example: Create one mock response that throws a Callout Exception

Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, MockHttpResponse.emptyBuilder()
   .mockCalloutException('Oh noes!')

Example: Create one valid mock response and one that throws a Callout Exception

Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, MockHttpResponse.builder()
   .body('{ "status": "OK" }')
   .mockCalloutException('Oh noes!')