
Planetary motions projected to a map using Deck.gl

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • TODO: fix index.html

  • TODO: fix bundle loading within index.html (not main.js anymore)

  • TODO: fix references to astro (import { base as astro})

  • TODO: clone the deck.gl project and integrate the basics

  • TODO: examine 3d/geometry loaders (@loaders.gl/ply & @loaders.gl/gltf)

  • TODO: examine react hot loader

  • TODO: examine react boilerplate templates

  • TODO: credit usage of image for planets texture atlas

Data Prep


Setup Protobuf

  • Install protoc.
  • Clone Sky-map-team/stardroid.
  • Copy source.proto to ./data/skymap/proto, the only protobuf file.
  • Copy protobuf binary files (there are three) from ../stardroid/app/src/main/assets.

Generate Static Modules From Message Types

  • protobufjs/light: npx pbjs -t json -o ./app/skymap-proto.json -w es6 ./data/skymap/proto/source.proto
  • protobufjs/minimal: npx pbjs -t static-module -o ./app/skymap-proto.js -w es6 ./data/skymap/proto/source.proto

Create an atlas with gdx-texture-packer-gui

Download the latest release ZIP and load JAR. If AWT crashes, start with GLSurface

java -jar gdx-texturepacker.jar -launcher glsurface

Parse into JSON with AtlasParser

Parse .atlas files with atlas-parser into .json, then protobuf .bin to condense downloaded atlas files & to avoid irregularity with atlases on frontend.

Build proto definitions: npx pbjs -t json -o ./data/atlas/texture-atlas.proto.json -w es6 ./data/atlas/texture_atlas.proto

TODO: Convert json to protobuf bin

Build proto definitions: npx pbjs -t json -o ./data/vsop87/vsop87.proto.json -w es6 ./data/vsop87/vsop87.proto

Then run npm run generate-vsop to condense VSOP file size by >50%.