
Render node gizmo for The Foundry's Nuke

Primary LanguagePython


Render node gizmo for The Foundry's Nuke


SETTING VARIABLES Use this top section to alter the RenderNode in whatever way works best for your production.

""" OUTPUT FOLDER """ Change this value to whatever folder you would like to render to ie. If your show's naming convention is to have a folder structure such as this : ABC-> ABC0001-> Comp -> Scripts -> Output The scripts folder being where your nuke script files are usually located, and the Output folder being the folder you normally render to, then set the variable to Output

destFold = "comp"

""" SEQUENCE NAMING """ Change this value in accordance to how many letters your sequence names contain. ie. if your show's naming convention is as follows: QRS0123_comp_v001, then it should be 3 because the sequence name is QRS and there are 3 letters.

numSeqChars = 3

""" SEQUENCE NUMBERING """ Change this value in accordance to how many digits your sequence numbers contain. ie. if your show's naming convention is as follows: QRS0123_comp_v001, then it should be 4 because the shot number is 0123 and there are 4 numbers.

numShotChars = 4

""" START FRAME """ Use this to control which frame you would like your renders to start on. This is mostly for users that have need to render a slate, but don't want to include the slate frame in their global settings while they work. Setting it to a value of 0 means that the first frame of the render will be the global settings' first frame. Setting it to a value of 1 means that your render will be a frame BEFORE the first frame of your project settings. This only affects the rendering of Quicktimes and importing of DPX files after they are rendered. Since DPX files are per frame, you can choose which frames to render.

startFrame = 0

""" QUICKTIME RENDERS """ Change this value in accordance to the number of quicktime files you would like to render when using the RenderQT's button. If you decide to chose only one, make sure to delete the write node named VFX_RenderNode, the Editorial_RenderNode will continue to function.

numQTS = 2

""" LUT FOLDER """ Change this value to whatever folder the shot's LUT is located in. WARNING: the search algorithm will NOT exceed the shot's folder, so if there is a shot or sequence LUT, rather than a per-shot LUT, it would be best to navigate to the location manually or change the default path of the RenderNode.

lutDestFolder = "LUTfolder"

""" DPX IMPORT """ Change this variable to whichever number represents the colorspace that you are working in. You can figure this out by creating a read node and hovering over the colorspace knob. This is currently set to 10, which results in AlexaV3LogC colorspace because that is the 11th item on the list. This is only used to set the colorspace of the read node that is created after a DPX render is completed, it does NOT affect the render.

dpxImportColor = 0

""" RENDERNODE VERSION (mostly for team environments)""" Use this to control which version of the RenderNode artists should be using, as well as declaring the filepath AND filename of the RenderNode. If you plan on placing the node on a server, then switch rendernodeOnServer to "yes" and put the filepath location of node and the .py files in renderNodeFolder.

renNodeVer = 01

rendernodeOnServer = "no"

rendernodeFile = "/Path/To/The/Node/Toolsets/RenderNode.nk"

renderNodeFolder = "/Path/To/The/Node/"

If you are a TD and are installing this node on a server for a team of artists, simply copy the following line of code and paste it into each artists' init.py. nuke.pluginAddPath([root for root, dirs, files in os.walk(/Path/To/The/Node/)]) As long as this init.py file is there, as well as the gizmo or Toolset file, it will work.