
A better way to Pressbooks.

Primary LanguagePHP


Converting an existing network

  1. Initialize empty repository: cd /home/<subdomain> && git init
  2. Add remote: git remote add origin https://github.com/pressbooks/slate.git
  3. Fetch and checkout: git fetch && git checkout -t origin/master
  4. Install dependencies: composer install
  5. Copy values from /home/<subdomain>/wordpress/wp-config.php into /home/<subdomain>/.env.example, and copy the multisite configuration block (see first step here) from /home/<subdomain>/wordpress/wp-config.php into /home/<subdomain>/wp-config.php.example.
  6. Rename .env.example and swap wp-config.php files:
mv /home/<subdomain>/.env.example /home/<subdomain>/.env
mv /home/<subdomain>/wp-config.php.example /home/<subdomain>/wp-config.php
mv /home/<subdomain>/wordpress/wp-config.php /home/<subdomain>/wordpress/wp-config.php.old

Setting up a new network