API Kit Yeoman Generator

This generator provides a convenient way to get up and running APIs using Mongoose and Mystique in no time.


Api Kit relies on Yeoman to run it's generator code and get things moving quickly. To install Yeoman and API Kit, run:

npm install -g yo generator-api-kit

Generating An API Kit Project

To start, we need an API Kit Project:

yo api-kit

This will ask for an app name and whether the project should be in a new folder. Then, it will npm install all dependencies.

From there, change directories into the new project an run npm start to start running the API server.

Generating An API Resource

Building an api can be tough, luckily with API Kit, an API resource can be created with a single command:

yo api-kit:resource todo name:String:required done:Boolean completedAt:Date

This will create three files:

// app/models/todo.js
var Mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = Mongoose.Schema;

var TodoSchema = new Schema({
  name: {type: String, required: true},
  completedAt: {type: Boolean},
  done: {type: Date},

module.exports = Mongoose.model('Todo', TodoSchema);
// app/transformers/todo.js
var Mystique = require('mystique');

var TodoTransformer = Mystique.Transformer.extend({
  resourceName: 'todo',
  mapOut: function(todo) {
    return {
      id: todo.id,
      name: todo.name,
      done: todo.done,
      completedAt: todo.completedAt,

  mapIn(req) {
    return {
      name: req.body.todo.name,
      done: req.body.todo.done,
      completedAt: req.body.todo.completedAt,

Mystique.registerTransformer('Todo', TodoTransformer);
// app/http/resources/todos.js
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

router.get('/', function(req) {
  return req.store.recordCollection('Todo');

router.get('/:id', function(req) {
  return req.store.recordItemById('Todo', req.params.id);

router.post('/', function(req) {
  return req.store.createRecord('Todo');

router.put('/:id', function(req) {
  return req.store.updateRecord('Todo', {}, req.params.id);

router.delete('/:id', function(req) {
  return req.store.destroyRecord('Todo', req.params.id);

module.exports = router;

This command also registers the route in app/http/routes.js:

apiRouter.use('/todos', resources.todos);

Now we can go to http://localhost:3000/api/todos to see our new API for todos:

  "todos": []

If we POST to http://localhost:3000/api/todos with the body:

  "todo": {
    "name": "Milk",
    "done": false

Then we should get a response with an id:

  "todo": {
    "id": "5671cffe881ee28a7877118c",
    "name": "Milk",
    "done": false

And if we make a GET request for http://localhost:3000/api/todos:

  "todos": [
      "id": "5671cffe881ee28a7877118c",
      "name": "Milk",
      "done": false