
Primary LanguageShell

Front End Engineering Fall 2016


Welcome to the crazy land of Front End Engineering! Over twelve weeks we will cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more to get you ready to be a junior front end developer.

The Course From 5000ft up

  • Prework
  • Download Day
    • Setup, Shortcuts, Programs, and the Command Line
      • .editorconfig
      • Atom Plugins
  • Week 1
    • Monday
      • Welcome to Campus
      • Git & Console
      • HTML Basics
        • Elements
        • Attributes
        • Classes
      • CSS Basics
        • Selectors
        • Properties
    • Tuesday
      • How to use Slack and TIYO
      • Box Sizing
        • Border Box
      • Chrome Dev Tools
      • Display
      • Floats
      • Layout Patterns
        • Double Container
    • Wednesday
      • Raising the white flag
      • Positioning
      • Transform
      • Breaking Down a Layout
      • Emmet Show and Tell
    • Thursday
      • Supporting Inclusivity
      • Flexbox
      • Reusable Patterns
        • Media Object
  • Week 2
    • Monday
      • Basic Builds
      • SASS
        • Variables
        • Imports
      • SASS Lint
    • Tuesday
      • Media Queries
      • Pseudo Selectors
      • Pseudo Elements
    • Wednesday
      • Selector Specificity
      • BEM
      • Layout Planning
      • Reinforce Semantic Markup
    • Thursday
      • Third Party Libraries & NPM
        • Font Awesome
      • SASS Extends
        • CSS Gram
      • SASS Mixins
        • Yoga SASS
  • Week 3
    • Monday
      • JS
        • Variables
        • Maths
        • Strings
        • Arrays & Objects
        • Functions
        • if & else Blocks
        • for Blocks
    • Tuesday
      • Function Creation
        • Function Declaration vs Anonymous Functions
      • Variable Scope
      • Hoisting
    • Wednesday
      • Debugging
      • DOM Elements
        • innerHTML
        • classList
    • Thursday
      • DOM Practice
  • Week 4 - Build Your Own MVC Framework
    • Monday
      • Object Oriented Programing Introduction
      • DOM Review
      • Models
      • View introduction
    • Thursday
      • Callbacks in depth
      • window.fetch
      • .addEventListener
      • Arrays and Functional Programing
  • Week 5
    • Monday
      • REST - Using fetch for more than just reading data
      • Controllers and Application State
    • Tuesday
      • Pure Functions
      • Unit Testing
    • Wednesday
      • Browserify and Build Tools
      • Vue.js Introduction
        • Read Only
        • Sub components
    • Thursday
      • Vue.js Events
      • CORS
    • Friday
      • Writing user stories and tests
  • Week 6
    • Monday
      • Introduction to Ember
        • Comparison to Vue
        • Routes
        • Handlebars
    • Tuesday
      • Actions
      • Controllers
      • Helpers
      • Forms
    • Wednesday
      • Testing - How do we know this works?
    • Thursday
      • Components - Breaking it down
  • Week 7
    • Monday
      • Introduction to Node
  • Week 8
    • Ember Authentication
    • Ember Testing
      • Unit Testing Helpers
      • Integration Tests
      • Acceptance Tests
  • Week 9
    • APIs
    • Review
    • Ember Opinionated