
demo of a serverless mindbody import workflow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MB Demo

This project aims to show how a serverless workflow can be used to fetch client records from the Mindbody API, process those records, and deliver them to an HTTP endpoint.


Make sure to install/update your AWS CLI.

sudo pip install --upgrade awscli

Select a default region if you haven't already:

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

Create an artifacts bucket:

export ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=$USER-artifacts
aws s3 mb s3://$ARTIFACTS_BUCKET

Set environment variables for Emma's source site and credentials:

export MB_SOURCE_SITE=2058

Clone this repo:

git clone git@github.com:joyrexus/mb-demo.git
cd mb-demo/

Install dev dependencies:

npm install --only=dev

Install function specific dependencies:

npm install --only=prod --prefix ./functions/GetClientCount

Deploy the stack:



List function names:

aws lambda list-functions | grep FunctionName

Manual invocation of a function:

aws lambda invoke \
  --invocation-type RequestResponse \
  --function-name mb-demo-GetClientCount-51TDWRKHNCMV \
  --payload file://functions/GetClientCount/event.json \
  output.txt && cat output.txt


Remove the stack:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name mb-demo

Clear or remove the artifacts bucket:

aws s3 rm s3://$ARTIFACTS_BUCKET --recursive  # deletes items in bucket

aws s3 rb s3://$ARTIFACTS_BUCKET --force      # removes bucket