Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy_shld.ts --network goerli

Deploys a new SHLD NFT collection contract to the Goerli network.

npx hardhat run ./scripts/start_sale.ts --network goerli

Enables the ability to mint the NFT in the collection. Called 1 time after the collection is deployed.

npx hardhat run ./scripts/mint_shld.ts --network goerli

Mints NFT from the calling account.

npx hardhat change_price --network goerli

Changes the price of the NFT minting to the new one specified in the newPrice variable of the "change_price" task from the hardhat.config.ts file.

npx hardhat change_uri --network goerli

Changes the baseURI of the collection to the new one specified in the newUri variable of the "change_uri" task from the hardhat.config.ts file.

Note: Don't forget to fill in your .env variables first by following the example from example.env
And also change shldProxyAddr value to the new contract address if you have re-deployed the contract.

Original contract address: 0x90Ed812d4DFd4845ba64F8D8B2511360AcE0DEA0

IPFS CID for metadata: QmecqaxvGPjqhk7H4sxj4zBDjJNHVNGdPgWSpz4g99bM1h

IPFS CID for the image: QmUxNasW2wqjTncEEpkg8XJWNYSAMvYGQgL8vTeHsEkoBK

The ABI is stored in ./artifacts/contracts/SHLD.json