
Python Scripts for Robofont

Primary LanguagePython

Little helper scripts for RoboFont


Creates a new .ufo in the same directory with the current date and time in the name. Notice that you will stay in your original sourcefile.
Added a shortCut so saving is more accessible. Also the output window gives the path to the saveCopied .ufo (it should be next to the source, but just in case)


Turning this on shows a red rectangle around those points that are exactly at the metric lines (ascender, descender, xHeight and baseline).

## SoftOtterTool Used as a Start-Up Script this adds a custom panel to the inspector containing the outlineTool and the markingTool. Don’t use the soft otter tool atm, it’s a mess.
-> removed from repo


Let's you remove overlaps and set the direction of contours.


Marks glyphs with overlaps, glyphs made out of components and glyphs made out of outlines and components.
new feature: instead of marking them with a colour you can put them in smart sets

Mirror Tool

Using ctrl + m opens up a tiny window with two buttons. One for mirroring horizontal, one for vertical.