
Pomodoro-chan is an ongoing project in the SGExams Discord server to help manage student's productivity online!

Primary LanguagePython

How to set up and run the bot locally


Install requirements

  • Install Python 3.8 from https://www.python.org/downloads/

  • When you're at the installer part, tick the PATH box.

  • Open Command Prompt from Windows, navigate to the directory using cd

  • For example, if your source code is in Desktop, you will need to cd desktop and cd {filename} before.

  • Execute pip install -r requirements.txt (without the quotation mark)

Bot Configuration

  • Go to Discord's Developer Portal at https://discord.com/developers/applications
  • Create an application if you haven't already, and navigate into it.
  • On the settings bar at the side, you will see a Bot section, go to it and Build-A-Bot.
  • After you're done building a Bot, name the bot and give it a profile picture.
  • Reveal the token by clicking on it, then copy and replace the bot_token onto authentication.yml
  • Under Privileged Gateway Intents, toggle on Server Members Intent (THIS is very important!)

Getting the Invite Link

  • In the same application in the Discord's Developer Portal, head to the OAuth2 section on the side.
  • Under the Scopes, tick on Bot, another section below should appear, tick on Administrator, or whatever permissions you need.
  • Copy the link generated in the middle, this is the invite link for your bot, just like how you used to invite other bots.

Run the bot

  • In the same command prompt window from earlier where you executed pip install -r requirements txt, execute python3 main.py
  • The bot should be successfully running and you will see a bunch of lines saying the bot has started.
Thats it!