
A strongly typed i18n library for react

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A strongly typed i18n library for react.



npm install --save react-typed-i18n


  • Typechecked text id using TypeScript's Template Literal Types
  • Interpolation with string and React.ReactNode
  • Async language loading for code splitting
  • Hot language reloading without reloading page
  • No external dependency and 1.3 KiB gzipped
  • 100% line and branch test coverage

This library is the successor of simstate-i18n. Most concepts and functionalities remain unchanged, but this library

  • removes the simstate dependency
  • use Template Literal Types to typecheck the text id
  • is way easier to setup


My personal website ddadaal.me is built with this library.

A example project is provided under the example folder. Run the following commands to run it.

# On the library project root
npm install
npm run build
cd example
npm run dev


  1. Define your definitions (one file per language)
    • use {} as a placeholder for interpolation
    • object can be nested
    • all languages should have identical structures
    • this object is called Language
// ./src/i18n/en
export default {
  hello: {
    world: "Hello {} World {}",

// ./src/i18n/cn
export default {
  hello: {
    world: "你好 {} 世界 {}",
  1. Define all your languages and create elements from createI18n
    • The key of languages is the id of the language;
    • The value of languages is Language or () => Promise<Language>
    • Use languageDictionary helper to create the initialization arg
// ./src/i18n/index.ts
import { createI18n, languageDictionary } from "react-typed-i18n";

const cn = () => import("./cn").then((x) => x.default);
const en = () => import("./en").then((x) => x.default);

export const languages = languageDictionary({

export const { Localized, Provider, id, prefix, useI18n } = createI18n(languages);
  1. Wrap the component tree with Provider component
    • A Language object and its corresponding id must be provided for the Provider compoennt
    • In some circumstances (like SSR), rather than importing Language directly, Language can be asyncly loaded and provided.
// ./src/Root.tsx
import React from "react";
import en from "./i18n/en";
import { Provider } from "./i18n";
import App from "./App";

export default () => {
  return (
    <Provider initialLanguage={{
      id: "en",
      definitions: en,
      <App />
  1. Use Localized in places of raw texts
    • Use args prop to interpolate args into the placeholders
    • A type error will be reported if the id is not valid
    • The Localized must be imported from where the createI18n is called (for example, ./src/i18n)
    • The below displays: Hello AAA World BBB
// ./src/App.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Localized } from "./src/i18n";

export default () => {
  return (
            <strong key="1">AAA</strong>,
            <strong key="2">BBB</strong>,
  1. Use useI18n hook to get helper functions like setLanguageById
    • After clicking the button, the p will display: 你好 AAA 世界 BBB
// ./src/App.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Localized, useI18n } from "./src/i18n";

export default () => {
  const { setLanguageById } = useI18n();
  return (
            <strong key="1">AAA</strong>,
            <strong key="2">BBB</strong>,
      <button onClick={() => setLanguageById("cn")}>
        Change to cn


Helpers functions to generate text id

import { prefix, id } from "./i18n";

// id is just an identity function with typecheck
const i = id("hello.world"); // id === "hello.world"

// prefix generates a prefix function.
// When the function is called,
// two part are concatenated.
// both part are typechecked.
const p = prefix("hello.");
const fullId = p("world");

All ids type

// src/i18n/en.ts
export default {
  a: "a",
  b: {
    c: "c",

// src/i18n/index.ts
import { TextIdFromLangDict } from "react-typed-i18n";

// "a" | "b.c"
export type TextId = TextIdFromLangDict<typeof languages>;
