
An ever-evolving and opinionated dev environment for people who want to use VuePress to power their blogs.

Primary LanguageVue

VuePress Blog Boilerplate

Version Netlify Status

This is an ever-changing and opinionated architecture that uses VuePress to power your blogging platform.


To provide a blueprint of how blogging is possible with VuePress and empower you with enough boilerplate so you feel comfortable customizing it to your liking.


  • Write posts in Markdown
  • Basic pagination sorted by most recent posts
  • Ability to search for posts via headings within the post
  • Archived posts page
  • Basic scheduling for future publishing
  • Basic tagging for posts
  • Automatic RSS feed generation
  • Easily integrate Google Analytics

Getting Started



If your plan is follow the tutorial all the way through to deployment, make sure you fork this project instead of simply cloning it!

In your terminal, navigate to the desired directory where you want this project to live.

# Clone the repo for local development
git clone https://github.com/bencodezen/vuepress-blog-boilerplate.git

# Change directory into project
cd vuepress-blog-boilerplate

# Install dependencies
npm install # or yarn

# Run local server
npm run dev # OR yarn dev

You should now be able to visit http://localhost:8080!


To check out the tutorial and docs, check out the guide.


Hat Tip

For those familiar with the Vue.js ecosystem, you might be reminded of Chris Fritz's Vue Enterprise Boilerplate and you would be absolutely right. I thought the concept was brilliant and wanted to do something similar for the VuePress ecosystem since blogging is something that still requires a fair amount of configuration and knowledge in order to get started.

And in case you didn't know, Chris Fritz is one of the core contributors to the incredible Vue.js docs that we all love so much. So if you would like to help support him so he can spend more time on creating awesome content for the Vue.js community, please support him by becoming a sponsor on Patreon.