
A giter8 template for a React application with Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

A Giter8 template for a React application with Typescript support.


Create it using g8, by running:

g8 ddanielbee/typescript-react.g8

Follow the CLI prompts.

Note on building the app

At one point, you'll be asked if you want to use_snowpack. The options are, yes or no. If you choose yes, the template will use snowpack to build your app, and webpack to produce an optimized build for production. If you choose not to, the template will default to using webpack for building and bundling the application.

Default choice is to use webpack, since snowpack is still very experimental.

After the CLI prompts ↓

With Yarn

cd <project-name> && yarn

Once node dependencies are installed, you can start the project's development server with yarn start or yarn start:all. In localhost:8080 you'll find a more detailed description of the template.

With NPM

cd <project-name> && rm yarn.lock

It's important to remove yarn.lock, since it won't be necessary when using npm. Afterwards:

npm install

This will install dependencies, and create a package-json.lock file, which is the npm equivalent to the yarn.lock file.

Once node dependencies are installed, you can start the project's development server with npm run start. In localhost:8080 you'll find a more detailed description of the template.


The npm script npm run start:all won't work out of the box when using npm. To fix this, replace yarn by npm run in the script inside package.json.

Template license

Written in 2020 by Daniel Bolivar

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.