
Yii2 Shasta Payments Integration

Primary LanguagePHP

Yii2 Shasta Payments Integration

Yii2 Shasta Payments Integration


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist ddroche/yii2-shasta "*"

or add

"ddroche/yii2-shasta": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, simply config it in your application:


return [
    'components' => [
        'shasta' => [
            'class' => 'ddroche\shasta\Shasta',
            // Develop Enviroment
            'apiEndPoint' => 'https://api-sandbox.payments.shasta.me/v1',
            // Production Enviroment
            'apiEndPoint' => 'https://api.payments.shasta.me/v1',
            // Your Production or Development Enviroment API Key
            'apiKey' => 'Bearer key_...',


$address = new ddroche\shasta\resources\Address();
$address->line_1 = 'Avenida Omejos, 5';
$address->line_2 = 'Atico 2a';
$address->postal_code = '08291';
$address->city = "L'Hospitalet de Llobregat";
$address->region = 'Barcelona';
$address->country = 'ES';

$customer = new ddroche\shasta\resources\Customer();
$customer->first_name = 'Javier';
$customer->last_name = 'Hernandez';
$customer->email_address = 'javi@example.com';
$customer->phone_number = '123456789';
$customer->nationality = 'ES';
$customer->employment_status = 'self_employed';
$customer->address = $address;

if ($customer->save()) {
    // code is save
} else {
    // code is not save

Class Resources whit functions

Project (GET, SET)
Accounts (All, Create, Read, Update)
Transactions (All, allAccountsTransactions, Read)
Customers (All, Create, Read, Update)
Transfers (All, Create, Read, Update)
CardTokens (Create, Read)
Cards (All, Create, Read, Update)
CardPayins (All, Create, Read, Update, Finish)
CardPayinsRefunds (All, Create, Read, Update)
CardVerifications (All, Create, Read, Update, Finish)
BankAccounts (All, Create, Read, Update)
BankPayinReferences (All, Create, Read, Update)
BankPayins (All, Read, Update)
BankPayout (All, Create, Read, Update)